Chapter 12

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'Mmmm DELICIOUS' Jason says ad all our eyes widen

'There is more on the pan overt there' I point

'Oh I'm good' Jason rubs his belly

'What can we do?' Denise asks

'We could go to the mall' Ty says and wraps his arms around Denise

'Oh we are not coming' Adam says

'Who is we?' Joanna stares at Joanna

'Me and K-Kyra'


'Well me and Gabster are going out later'

'Whoa Mitch slowdown' Jerome jokes and Mitch and I glare at him

'Okay so me and Denise are going to the mall and ummm you guys can go anywhere you want'


Adam's POV

Me and Kyra arrive to the fancy restaurant and she was wearing a skater skirt and a sleeveless blouse and I was wearing a suit and I'm pretty sure I tried too hard

'You shouldn't of worn a suit because even though you go to a fancy restaurant you immediately say I'm gonna wear I suit but you wouldn't want to wear the same thing as many people are wearing in the restaurant' she starts to say random things and I just laugh

'I will use that advice sometime'

We go inside and I pull the chair for her like a gentle man

'Wow what a gentleman'

'What can I get you beautiful lady?' A waiter says and I glare at him

'Oh Adam what do you want?'

'I just want a steak'

'Okay so a steak and lasagna' she is so adorable

'Coming right up beautiful'

The guy had surfer hair and I always thought that they got all the girls they want

Kyra's POV

I mean the guys was cute but some guys are such douches and Adam was perfect

'Hey you jelly?'

'No' Adam crosses his arms

'Don't think that I will choose him rather than you' a smile grew on his face and he started to blush

'Here is your food my lady and a complimentary cake' the guy winked at me and left

'Ummm I see he put his number on the cake' Adam pouts

'Ugh this is so annoying' I stand up and walk to the manager

'What do you need mam?'

'I would like to complain about your waiter'

'Oh um Doug'

'Yeah he is hitting on me in front of my date oh and my dates food hasn't arrived and mine came really early!'


'Yes sir and my lady' Doug says

'You were flirting in her?'

'Yeah she was' Adam comes and puts his arm around me

'Do you even know who this is?' I point to Adam

'Um should I' Doug says

'This is the great SkyDoesMineCraft' Doug's eyes filed with shock

'I am so so so so so so sorry' he kneels

'Well we are gonna give you free drinks' the manager says YUSSS

Dream Come True (Team Crafted Fan Fiction) by:Gabster_PPWhere stories live. Discover now