Chapter FiveeviF retpahC

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HUllo! Wassup peeps. SO I know its been a while, sorry. So so sorry. More for chu! (>w<)

Media: We Don't Have To Dance by Andy Black



Oh lord. Somebody kill me now. Did she just accuse me of breaking her fucking nail halfway across the motherfucking classroom? What the actual fuck. Somebody save me from human civilization. We are going to destroy ourselves fighting over fingernails.

"Are you fucking stupid?" I think. Then the entire classroom erupts in giggles. I guess I didn't think that.

Candy gasps and holds a hand over her "heart" (her fucking hand is over her boob). "How could you say such a thing, you filthy Sock!"

I roll my eyes at her before retorting, "Because not only are you a blond bimbo, you're a blond bimbo whose name is Candy. I mean, damn, how white can you get?" I look at the teacher to see if he was going to stop us, but he looks just as amused as the rest of the class. I guess Candy is "hot" but she's also a bitch, so much that even the teacher knows.

Candy huffs and storms out, too annoyed to make a comeback.

I giggle a bit and turn back towards Ciel, who simply comments, "That was fairly brave of you Sock. However, Candace's lack of a comeback does not mean you have won, only that she is dimwitted. This, of course, is only an observation. And as a reminder, perhaps you should prepare yourself a handful of meaningful and cruel lines for yourself, should an event such as this occur again."

"Thanks, Ciel!" I reply, only because I have no idea what he just said. I'll take it as a compliment.

Mr. Arty calls us up to receive our project. We walk up silently, and I notice a lot of students whispering to each other, probably about what I said about Candy.

"Okay, you two have a very unique skill in art, so I've conjured up a particular assignment for you," Mr. Arty immediately starts off. "Ciel, you're going to paint a painting that is featured in a play coming up soon," Mr. Arty says and hands Ciel a picture and a large canvas. Ciel nods.

Mr. Arty turns towards me. "You, Mr. Sock, will have the job of painting a wall of the play. Keep in mind, it's not a mural, and I need it to be very vintage, so try using faded colors. Got it? Go."

"Wait, wait, Mr. Arty- Artemis. What am I supposed to paint?" I ask.

"Try something out of the Leonardo da Vinci era, thanks Sock, next please, Yato and Levi!"

What the hell. This is so not cool. How am is supposed to come up with something on my own? Eh, I guess I have Ciel as help.

I shrug and skip over to my seat. I sit down across the table where Ciel sits and stare at him.

But he's looking behind me. I turn and look for who he could possibly be staring at and notice Sebastian is sitting across the table where Jonathan sits.

Sebastian is most definitely in Ciel's line of sight. I snicker to myself and turn back to Ciel, who is still staring at Sebastian.

"Cielly? Quit those googly eyes and get to work, young man," I giggle.

"Huh what I wasn't staring at Sebby," Ciel says, barely coherent.

My mouth forms a smirk as Ciel glowed at me, throwing knives at me with his eyes. "I never said you were."

I watch as Ciel does the unthinkable, he's blushing!

"Sh-sh-shut up, Sock! Get to work!"

Then I frown and slouch. "But Ciellllyyyy, I don't know what I should doooo."

Ciel glances at me from under his fringe. After a long time, he drops his pencil and sighs, leaning over the table to look at me properly. "What did Mr. Arty tell you to do?"

I shoot up at once, "Yay!"

But Ciel won't have none of it, and he grabs my arm sleeve and pulls me back down, whisper - shouting, "Sock! Get a grip! I'm just helping you because I know you'll just continue bothering me if I don't."

I nod and sit down obediently.

Ciel just sighs again and looks at me, although I did see his eyes flicker every once in a while.

"Well?" I ask.

But Ciel just keeps staring at me, his focused gaze peering at my soul.

Growing self conscious, I shrink and say, "I-If this is y-your way o-of inspiring m-me, then it s-s-sucks."

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