Chapter TwelveevlewT retpahC

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Eli nods and straightens herself out, "It has come to my attention that youth do not say 'dealio'. So. What's up with you, kid?"

"Uhh..well my name is Napolean, although I prefer Sock-" I start.

"Why Sock?" Eli interrupts.

"Um. It's just a thing my mum has called me since I was younger."

"Oh I see then. Go on, I won't interrupt again," Eli smiles. She's so accepting I'm starting to wish she'd adopt me.

"Oh, uh yeah. Um, I'm fifteen, living with at the orphanage a few miles back, seeing as I'm an orphan, I enjoy reading and art. Um, I'm not too sure what else there is except, oh yes! J-Jonathan is my only friend," I end on my short rant to see Eli close to tears.

"O-Oh, Eli, are you okay? Did I say something?" Fuck she's gonna say something about me being an orphan.

"O-Oh no, Sock. I-It's just. You're only friend is my poor Jonathan. I pity you, really," upon hearing this, Jonathan slaps his mums arm, to which Eli just cackles back at him.

"Oh hush, Jonathan, you know I only kid."

"It's still rude, motha," Jonathan scowls and oh my gods his accent came out thicker than peanut butter and I think I might melt. (leave my analogies alone. i like peanut buttter)

"Fine, fine my gay boy take your little friend to your room while I cook up dinner," Eli gestures at Jonathan and he blushes a deep red.

Did...did I hear that right? G-Gay boy? Oh dear god help me I even stutter in my thoughts.

"M-Mum! I haven't told him yet!" Jonathan shouts back at his mum, who just mutters back an incoherent, "not like he didn't already know".

Which I didn't.

Jonathan -still blushing- rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. I freak out for a second before realizing he was just taking me to his room. But did he have to grab my hand?

Up the stairs we go, and two rights and one left later, we arrive at a door covered in a purple poster.

"Val- Valhalla Soundbox? What's that?" I ask while looking at Jonathan curiously.

"Really?" Jonathan says, looking at me as if I've grown another head. "Really? What is wrong with you? Truly." Jonathan shakes his head before opening the door and throwing me on a purple bed.

"Wahgaduh," I shout an incoherent noise upon impact with the purple monstrosity.

When I regain my senses, I take a look at Jonathan's room -insert excited emoji at mention of being in supposed gay boy's room.

All over the walls, doors, and the ceiling I see poster, after drawing, after poster of band members, emblems, and comics.

They're all different -diverse- with only one thing in common. Purple. The color is everywhere.

A loud bang coming from my right rings out, and I turn to discover Jonathan standing next to a stereo -a very expensive stereo- and holding a CD in his hand. A loud and catchy melody sings out of the speakers, and a pleasant and slightly feminine voice flows out, a perfect accompaniment to the music.

Suddenly a thousand questions come to mind, and they all want to come out at the same time. What's with your obsession with purple? Are you gay? I didn't know you wer-

"So, I guess you've figured me out," Jonathan shouts over the music.

My eyes widen and I violently shake my head, as, in reality, I'm even more confused than before.

Jonathan sighs and turns down the music, not muting it but quieting it down so we can talk and still hear it. He sits himself down next to me on his bed. Taking my hand in his, he begins to explain, "I'm truly sorry that my mum confused things for you. I'm going to try to erm. Not explain since I didn't do anything wrong, but I guess tell you about myself? Whatever. Um. So, yeah, you know me, my name is Jonathan Combs, I'm sixteen going on seventeen this year. I've recently moved from my hometown in the UK -Wales in case you were wondering- to here for a fresh start from a whole bunch of drama back home. At the moment, it's just my mom and I, but my younger sister is supposed to arrive in a little over a month because of...familial issues. Um, what else is there."

"You're gay," I deadpan.

"Oh," Jonathan chuckles and I m e l t. "Right. Um, I didn't plan to come out to today, but since my mother is dense I might as well now. So, yeah I'm gay."

"On a range of Jensen Ackles to Neil Patrick Harris, how gay would you say you are?"

"Umm...where's the gay end of the spectrum? Because I'm quite sure they're both equally gay," Jonathan jokes. "But to be honest mmm...Johnny Weir."

Oh. My. Gods. "Soo, you're basically the gayest man alive," I joke but Jonathan simply nods and I end up laughing at his seriousness. "Well, since we're on this topic, I may as well let you know that I am pansexual."

Jonathan nods, but his face reminds me of a lost puppy.

I laugh at his confused expression, but simply squeeze his hand in reassurance. "It's alright if you don't know."

Jonathan lets out a sigh of relief, and we go back and forth in a laughter-filled haze, while todays events wash away.

theres your chapter guys cx i know, it took me forever to finally make a happy chapter -or a chapter at all- but yeah


i hope i can update again beforw the year ends but i wouldn't count on it 0-0

sry guys

btw follow me on instagram- xsockathanmas


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