Chapter One

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"I would like to confess

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"I would like to confess." I say to the pastor at
my cell. I'm the only one supposed to be executed today, it was such an "event".

"Continue." He looks at me expectantly.

"I've picked the lock." I immediately swing my rusty cell door open and shove the old man out of the way. I start to run towards the exit, completely disregarding the witch.

"You've got the time to get me out of this cell, Sam." Carina pleads to me as she holds on to her cell gate.

"Well there is gold out there to steal and people in my way to kill. Sorry no can do." I yell with a wave as I run away from our cells. I skip past a couple of the cells, whistling.

"Kyle! Where the hell they put ya?" Kyle is my first mate. We met when my brother and I first became pirates. We stuck by each other's sides and vowed to bring my brother back together.

"In here!" I hear a yell from one of the nearby cells. "But you ain't got the key."

"Kyle, I'm a problem solver. That's one of my most amazing qualities." I say to him in front of his cell with a wink. He just rolls his eyes. Suddenly, there is a huge noise followed by footsteps.

"Well hurry up problem solver, the guards are coming." I quickly turn down a long hallway of cells and hide. The guards walk by holding muskets. I quickly step out and fight one of guard for his musket. We have both of our hands placed and the edge of the gun. I push it so it hits his head hard enough for him to get knocked out. All the while, the other guard is shaking. I immediately stab him in the chest to not make too much noise. I pickpocket the one guard for his key.

"Hurry up princess. Let's get out of this hellhole." I say amusingly to Kyle as I open the cell door. "Come on. I need a drink." Kyle and I escape outside. We sneak past the rest of the militia men.

"I hate the rain." I say to myself. Kyle and I just got out of a pub and shared a bottle of rum. We are heading back to my ship, The Black Dragon. She's beautiful with black wood and white sails. A pirate flag we put up once we get out of the port. My crew is still up of course keeping guard of our ship. They always take shifts just in case. One of the most important people on my ship is Jake, the quartermaster. I found Jake when we were attacking a ship of the Royal Navy. He had the sleeves of his shirt ripped, marking him a traitor. I took him as a prisoner at first and held him in one of my ships cells. I soon trusted him and found that he had the many qualities of a captain.

My boatswain is Aaron. Aaron is my fourth mate and we found him marooned on an island that supposedly hid a chest filled with gold. That was a good day. Aaron watches over the deck and takes on small jobs.

My master carpenter is Edward. Edward is a handy man and we met at a pub. He was a pirate that used to serve under one of the ships that I used to serve. He immediately got a spot on my crew.

Lastly, my master gunner is Gabriel. I saw him outrun four militia men when he escaped execution. I threw him my gun and he surprisingly shot them all down, one shot each.

"Cap'n, there is word that many ships are being sunk. What'd ya say it is?" Jake walks up to me as I walk to my quarters.

"We'll figure it out in the morning. Have Aaron watch deck till dawn." I say as I close my door.


Once I here his footsteps walk off, I relax. "It's the compass."

I awake with a knock on my door.

"Aaron it better be good." I say as I hold my sword to his throat.

"Jack Sparrow, he's been caught. Gonna be executed today." He says with a gulp. I put away my sword immediately. Aaron scrambles away as fast as he can. I change into my outfit (picture above). I grab two pistols and one sword.

"Kyle watch the ship. I'm going alone." I start walking off deck. The sun hitting my face. I immediately break off into a sprint, climbing on top of a building so I won't get spotted. Women that don't wear dresses are very suspicious. I always put my hair up underneath my hat just in case.

Having the wind whipping through my hair, I can here the cheering get louder and louder. I'm hopping across building after building till I reach a really tall wooden building being constructed. I see ropes dangling and wooden planks spread out everywhere with part of the roof missing. I jump across on the wooden planks being sure not to fall.

My brother and I used to do this when I was about five years old. We would sneak our way into places to steal all their silver. Our family was that poor.

I look down from the roof to see none other then Jack Sparrow about to get his head chopped off. And surprisingly, the witch about to get hung to death.

"Quiet!" Oh god. "You are about to hear the last words of Carina Smyth, accused of being a witch..."

"Your about to be executed and all your doing is giving a speech? My heads about to be chopped off." Sparrow asks.

"And I'm to be hung. Your point?"

Everyone starts getting back to cheering as the executioners step up.

3, 2, 1...

I swing down off the rope and pull out my sword. Shots go off but not towards me...

A/N that chapter was kinda boring. Just introducing some of the characters. I will probably write the next chapter tomorrow or sometime this weekend.

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