Chapter Twenty-Six: Love Like No Other (2/3) (Internationals Day 2)

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Abi's Solo ^

WOw I'm a HOrRiBLe Author. Forgive me? Updates should come more often now (I keep saying that, but I will eventually) I love you guys xoxo

(Hearts don't break around here by Ed Sheeran is the song that Zach dances to apologise to Jenny)


"Sorry, sorry. Watch out! Sorry." I push through the large crowd of tourists, my eyes not leaving the back of Jenny's head. "Jenny!" I tried yelling, but I was drowned out by the chatter and clicking of camera shutters. I manage to escape the group and run after my girlfriend's retreating figure. "Jenny!" I yell, panting as I sprinted. Out of nowhere, Margie pops in front of me. I skid to a stop, almost knocking the short girl over. After we both regain our balance, she looks at me sympathetically and gives me a knowing sigh.

"You better come up with something good before we come back. I'll talk to her and you choreograph, go!" She shoves me back towards the venue. I give one last knowing glance at Jenny, knowing that I need to try everything in power to make this up to her. I'm such a jealous dickhead at times.


I watch Zach hesitantly walking away, wishing he could take back every single word. I turn my attention to Jenny, who just so happened to be laying on her back and staring at the sky while quietly crying. I lay right beside her, looking up at the clouds. They look so light and soft and the sky was an indescribable kind of blue.

"Boys are stupid." I giggled at Jenny's remark before sighing.

"I couldn't agree with you more." I could hear Jenny's sniffling as we both went silent. "Jenny, you know Zach didn't mean anything he said..."

"Then why did he say it?" I thought for a moment.

"Because he speaks before he thinks. Zach was really angry and got protective of his emotions when he thought you were flirting with your Swedish friend. Zach loves you so much." I explain, looking over at my friend.

"Well, he's going to have to prove it." I chuckled.

"Don't worry. I have a feeling he will. Come on! You've got to help me pick an outfit for my date and then I have a surprise for you." I hop up and pull Jenny to her feet before we both head back to the venue.



After picking Margie's outfit for her date with Alec, she leads me to an empty rehearsal room. In the middle of the wooden floors, stood my boyfriend whose eyes were red from tears. I felt my heart tear slightly at the sight of him. Margie nods to him before walking out the door. He clicks a button on the stereo, moving back to his spot in the middle of the room. A soft guitar beat comes on.

She is the sweetest thing that I know. You should see the way she holds me when the lights go low. Shakes my soul like a pothole, every time. I smile, he knows Ed Sheeran is my favourite artist. My smile falters, shaking my head. He's said those horrible things, why am I thinking about him?

Took my heart upon a one-way trip. Guess she went wandering off with it. Unlike most women I know. This one will bring it back whole. Daisies, daisies perched upon your forehead. Oh my baby, lately I know. I watched in awe as Zach leapt and spun and kept dancing using all of his emotions.

DANCING WITH A DANCER'S HEART (2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now