Caroline and Elena

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"Caroline honey." The four years old girl, Caroline looked up towards her bedroom door to see her father, Bobby Singer. She smiled, "Daddy!" She rushed over to him and he picked her up, laughing. "Hey, sweetheart," He said, kissing her cheek. "Why are you here at your room? Why not playing with your sister?"

"Mommy is with her," Caroline said and frowned, "She looked at Eli funny." Bobby tilted his head and looked at his older daughter in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

"Mommy told me Eli is a bad girl," Caroline said, "Did she do something bad?" Bobby shook his head, "What can a six mounts old can do bad?" He asked. "Mommy said," The blond little girl said, "She said she have to stop her before she can do something bad in the future."

"What?" Bobby asked with a frown before gently placing her on the floor and then walked up to Elena's nursery. He saw the door was slightly opened so he walked inside before he froze;

His wife, Karen Singer was looking into Elena's crib, raising a knife to stab the six mounts baby. "Karen, no!" Bobby called as he rushed towards the woman, grabbing her arm.

He pushed her away from the crib, "What are you doing?" He asked and she turned to him, smirking, "Bad timing, Bobby." He frowned before her eyes flashed yellow and then he was thrown back against the wall.

"I wasn't really going to kill her. Do you have any idea what future she can make for us?" Karen asked. She blinked and her eyes turned back to normal. "What are you?" Bobby asked, trying to pull himself off the wall but he couldn't.

Karen smirked, "Just call me Yellow eyed." She turned back to Elena as she started to cry. "Ew, now, now, sweetheart," It said as it placed it's hand on the baby's cheek. "Get away from her!" Bobby said.

The yellow eyes smiled as it stared at the baby, ignoring Bobby's warning, "One day, you'll help our King." It turned to Bobby, "You have two beautiful daughters, Bobby. It's a shame one of them has to die. Since I can't do that to the little one. Might as well be your oldest one."

"No!" Bobby said. It smirked as it walked up to him, "What's wrong, Bobby? How about you will choose? Caroline or Karen?"

"Son of a bitch!" Bobby said before they were disturbed by a small voice, "Mommy? Daddy?" They looked to the door way to see Caroline standing there with wide eyes.

The yellow eyes smirked again as it turned back to Bobby, "Now we know." It started to walk towards Caroline and Bobby struggled to pull himself off the wall, "No! No! Get the hall away from her!" He suddenly managed to pull himself from the wall and grabbed the yellow eyes from behind, "Caroline, take your sister and run!"

With that said, the little girl rushed to grab her sister and took of running out. She hold Elena tightly as she rushed with her outside, "It's okay, Eli," Caroline assured her sister before looking back towards the house, waiting for their Dad to come out and say everything was okay.

But what they didn't knew, is that their mother was never coming back.

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