Chapter Three: Twizzlers

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Chapter Three: Twizzlers

"Still here Heidi? I thought you left." My music teacher, Mr Jacobs, says whilst putting on his jacket.

I look up at him "I know I know, I just need 10 more minutes to finish of this piece and I'll be on my way."

He contemplates letting me stay and sighs. "Heidi..."

"Please?" I give him the puppy dog eyes. Not tooting my own horn or anything but I've kind of been told no one can say no to me and my puppy dog eyes.

Toot toot.

"I really shouldn't be doing this but okay you can stay." My eyes light up. "But I expect a packet of Twizzlers on my desk tomorrow morning." He smiles.

"Sir, you're 60 and diabetic". 

He stares at me and gives me the 'I won't hear no for an answer' look. "Okay okay, I'll get you your Twizzlers."

He pats me on the shoulder and places his hat on his head. "And that is why you're my favourite student Heidi."

I give him a smile as he leaves the auditorium. I loved Mr Jacobs, if it wasn't for him I would've never even believed that I could play the piano.

I turn my attention back to the piano and run my hand over the pristine white keys. Memories of my mother come flooding back and I smile remembering her words: 'Music speaks what words can't express'. That's why I played after her death- I didn't know how to express my feelings so I let the piano do the talking for me.

I open my songbook and place it on top of the beautiful grand piano. The keys have some sort of gravitational pull towards me and yearn to be played. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. I let my hands do all the work and watched my fingers effortlessly play each delicate key. Soon I forget about everything. My mind solely focussed on the beautiful melody my hands play. A smile spread on my lips as I played. I felt liberated.

My fingers stay on the piano as I play the last key. I let out a deep breath and open my eyes. The sound of someone clapping awakens me from my trance. I jump and being classic Heidi fall off the stool I was sitting on. 

"Oh shit. Are you okay?" I hear the voice from behind me. The person walks towards me and gives me a hand. I take the hand and look up to see Landon staring down at me.

Clearly Landon was surprised too as he lets go of my hand and I fall again.

"Really appreciate the help." I give him a pained thumbs up.

He chuckles and helps me up properly this time. "You're clumsy aren't you, Gem?"

I huff. "Stop calling me that."

He smirks. "What, Gem? I don't think I can do that... Gem." I glare at him.

He's so infuriating! Gosh all I wanna do is wipe that stupid smirk off his face and shove it up-

"Someone's on their period." I slap my hand over my mouth realising that I was thinking out loud. "But I'd love to hear about whereabouts you're shoving this smirk up."

"Why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be spray painting walls or something?" I ask bored.

He looks down at his clothes. "Okay so first you think I'm a dude who sells chicken nuggets and now I'm a spray painter? What's next, Beyoncé?"

I shoot him a glare and throw my bag over my shoulder. I go back over to the piano. "You don't look like someone who plays the piano, Gem."

"Really, because you look like an asshole and shocker you are an asshole!" I say whilst closing the piano lid.

Landon moves dangerously close behind me and I feel his hot breath on my neck. "Careful Gem." He whispers. "You don't want to get on my bad side." 

He picks up my book that has my piano compositions in it and flicks through it. I doubt he even knows how to read music.

I snatch it away from him. "Don't touch my book."

"Geez Louise." He mumbles.

I raise my eyebrow. "Who says 'Geez Louise'?"

"Um the incredibly sexy guy standing right in front of you."

I place my hand above my eyes and look behind him, then around the room. 

"What are you doing?" He asks confusedly.

"Trying to find this incredibly sexy guy, but I don't see him." I sigh. "Darn it."

"Ha ha very funny."

Ryan walks in wearing his basketball jersey and shorts. "Hey Dee, ready to g-" His smile immediately turns into a frown as soon as he sees Landon.

He folds his arms. "Knight."


Dramatic much. What is this, a cowboy showdown?

I cough attempting to break the silent staring contest they're both seem to be having. "Should we go Ryan?"

He breaks his eye contact with Landon and grabs my bag for me. "Yeah, let's go." 

I give Landon a sheepish smile.

"I'll see you around, Gem." He winks at me before leaving.


I sit in the car and buckle my seatbelt. Ryan impatiently taps the steering wheel, itching to say something.

"3..2..1" I mumble.

"Why was he in the auditorium? Why were you with him? Why were you talking to him? Why were you even alone? Why-"

I cut him off. "I don't know. He came to me. I wasn't exactly going to ignore him. I'm always alone when I practice."

He stares at me. "I don't like him, Heidi."

"You hardly even know him." 

"He's bad news. He got sent to boarding school for two years. TWO years!"

I scoff in disbelief. "Jesus Ryan, you can't just judge someone before knowing them."

"You're staying away from him." He says matter of factly.

His hazel eyes stare into my green ones, as if daring me to challenge him.

I stare right back at him and refuse to back down. "You're not the boss of me Ryan. You know what? I'll talk to whoever the hell I want to talk to."

He huffs and starts driving.

A moment of silence passes between us. "I just want to keep you safe, you know?"

I look out of the window. "Well you sure have a funny of showing it."

I feel something on my lap and pick it up. I open the bag. "You bought me gummy worms?"

He smiles at me, his dimples that the girls instantly fall for showing. "If you're trying to food bribe me it's not working..."

He pouts and gives me the famous Thompson puppy dog eyes. Who am I kidding, I can't stay mad at this idiot. "Gah fine! I forgive you."

He ruffles my hair. "Aw I love you fatass."

I stuff my mouth with gummy worms. "Love you too jerkface."


Damn I updated already??? Im on a rolll!! Hope you liked all of the Heidon/Leidi? Idk what their ship name is, any ideas guys?


~H <3

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