Chapter Twenty Nine: Sunsets and Secrets

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Sunsets and Secrets

"Hey Sweetie?" My shoulder is shaken slightly. I open one eye to see my dad looking at me with a concerned expression.

I stifle a yawn and sit up straight. The piano keys are probably imprinted onto my face, considering I've been sleeping on them for the past four hours.

He glances at the endless amount of coffee cups scattered all over my room, and turns back to me.

"Look, I know what you're gonna say..."

"What time did you go to sleep last night?"

A yawn escapes my mouth. "Uh one..." His face softens momentarily. "Plus three."

"Heidi Thompson!"

"I'm sorry! It was just really important, I had to get it completed!" I make sure to miss out the part where I was FaceTiming Landon till around 3am, I mean he was helping me with the music, then we got distracted. I distinctly remember the last conversation being about pigs taking over the world, before I fell asleep. Gross, he must've seen me drooling on camera!

"You're banned from your piano." He sternly says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What!" I exclaim. "You can't do that, It's Christmas in three days!"

"Okay fine, you can have it back on Christmas. Think of it as music rehab."

Music rehab. I shudder at the thought of not being able to play for a whole three days.

"You can actually go out the house and be social, Heidi."

I scoff. "Outside? Social? I'm sorry but those words aren't in my vocabulary. You know what is though? Netflix, food and my piano!"

"RYAN GET YOUR ASS HERE!" My Dad shouts.

Ryan jogs in, dripping in sweat after his morning run.

"Make sure your sister is out of the house for at least 5 hours."

"5 hours?! What am I meant to do for 5 hours?"


Of course I called Gigi. And of course she took me to the mall.

"Aqua blue, ocean blue, navy blue or royal blue?" Oh my sweet lord. They're all just blue! I glare at her, making sure she knows my hatred for shopping.

"Don't be such a cry baby." She tuts.

"I'm not a cry baby!" I sulk, making her shake her head at me.

Okay, maybe I am one so what?

"The only one who should be crying here is me with the minimal details I'm getting about Leidi!"

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Have you finally admitted to yourself that you like him?"

"I think so. I don't know there's still so-"

"Oh god, you're still not hung up on A-"

I cover her mouth with my hand. "We do not speak of his name. And no, this isn't about him at all!"

"Good and you shouldn't be." She mumbles, before removing my hand from her mouth.

The Bad Boy and the Piano Girl (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now