Chapter Fourty: Just Jump Out the Window

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Chapter Fourty: Just jump out the window.

My plan of escaping to another room unnoticed epically failed, since some random dude was assigned to make sure we completed the full seven minutes, and not budge from the door until we did.

I was seriously regretting my decision to participate in this game. Since when were 'Spin the Bottle' games ever a good idea, Heidi?

The door shut approximately 23 seconds ago, not that I was counting or anything, leaving Landon and I alone inside.

He leaned against the door, whilst I chose to sit on the bed, trying to avoid all eye contact with him, emphasis on 'trying'. It was pretty damn hard not to look at the boy you've barely seen for the past month. The boy you love.

47 seconds... 48... 49...

"You do realise you're counting out loud right?"

Shit, he heard you. ABORT MISSION. Slowly exit the room. Actually just jump out the window.


If anything, Mr McAsshat Small Dick here should be the one jumping out of a window.

A small smile plays on his lips. "Rude much."

I scoff. "You know what? I'm glad you heard that and that's pretty rich coming from you."

He shrugs, lighting a cigarette. A puff of smoke escapes his lips.

"Since when did you start smoking?" I question.

"Why do you care?"

"Fuck off." I mumble. Why do I care? Here he is, a month later, still acting like a total jerk.

He sighs, breaking the silence. "2 years ago... in boarding school actually. I haven't smoked since well I moved back here."

"Why are you talking to me, Landon?" He looks up in surprise. "It's been a month."

He fiddles with the cigarette in his hand. "Because I- I don't know..."

"Well maybe you should figure it out before you..." My voice cracks slightly. "Before you decide to toy with my feelings all over again."

Don't cry in front of him. Don't cry.

"I didn't mean to..." He huffs, discarding the cigarette, running a hand through his hair.

"You didn't mean to? YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO?" I shout, my voice full of anger and hurt. "I told you I loved you and you broke my heart in the worst way possible. I don't even care if you didn't love me back, you were horrible about it."

"I know but I'm sor-"

"You're fucked up Landon. Here you are coming back into my life just when I thought I was getting better." I get up, ready to leave. Why aren't the 7 minutes over yet?!

"Gem." He pleads, grabbing my wrist.

I glare at him through my glassy eyes. "What are you? Some kind of monster that wants to see me hurt? Well take a good look then. You hurt me. Mission accomplished."

"Do you think this has been easy for me? I haven't slept for god knows how fucking long! I'm failing nearly every class because all I can think about is you. How I hurt you..." He looks down, not wanting to meet my eyes.

"Then why'd you do it." My voice barely a whisper.

"I- I can't tell you."

"Of course you can't." I scoff. "We're done here. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can talk to me ever again."

I turn to grab the door handle but before I can leave, a strong hand grabs my waist twisting me around. Landon pins me against the wall, his forehead resting against mine whilst his hands are firmly planted on my waist.

To say I didn't love the feeling would be a complete lie. But I knew we couldn't go on like this.

"Landon..." I reply weakly, mustering the little energy I have to fight against him.

He doesn't reply. His eyes remaining shut, not wanting to face what I'm about to ask.


His desperate eyes find mine.

"Why'd you do it?" I urge, needing answers. "Please."

After what feels like an eternity later, he finally replies with the one word I never thought I'd hear.



SHORT UPDATE but it's an early one woo. I was just really excited to get something out since so many of you have been wanting an update!!

Vote, comment and share! Love you all the most!
~ H <3

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