
182 8 0

Hello all! Now that we're introduced ourselves, we can establish the rules. These are important so you need to have read every single rule before even applying for a review.

1. Your story must be historical, or have historical elements in it.

By historical elements, I'll give an example. The story is not necessarily historical fiction in nature, but has historical elements in it. Time travel also counts as historical elements. But historical element books MUST revolve around a major event or have some kind of outlook in the society of the time period you're writing about. If you're unsure, just let us know and we'll let you know if your book qualifies.

2. It must be 8+ chapters. It does not have to be complete, but it must have at least 8 chapters.

I understand you want to have a story read, but we can't give a wholesome review to a story that does not have a lot of parts.

Exceptions to this are short stories and novellas. If it's under 8 chapters and a COMPLETED short story or novella, of course we will review it.

3. Be patient.

Completed novels take a long time to read and review, so please don't get hurt if an incomplete story is reviewed before yours.

4. Lastly, be respectful to your reviewers.

Don't expect lavish praises from us. If you don't like a review, please just say thank you. If you have issues with your review and you're upset about it, do PM us and we can sort it out there.

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