Form and Application

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Hello everyone! Here are the forms and application for reviews. Please keep in mind that it will take a long time to review books, but we will never ignore an application for review. If we miss your application, please please let us know.

Please do NOT make a form in individual inline comments. All of those requests will be denied. Here's an example of what we want. And post it in the comments.

Form example:

1. Title: Snatching Lord Weatherley
2. Author: Davrielle
3. Short summary: Catherine Allansworth falls for Lord Weatherley in Regency Era England.
4. Tag a reviewer: @Davrielle
5. Rules read?: Yes
6. Mature content?: No

Official form

1. Title:
2. Author:
3. Short summary:
4. Tag a reviewer:
5. Rules read?:
6. Mature content?:

Thanks to everyone who will apply for their historical fiction book to be reviewed! We appreciate you coming to us.

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