Leather Wings - Ch.2

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Andy's POV – 

I'm running. Dodging around the trees as best I can and ignoring the sting as branches whip my face. I can hear them following me as I race through the trees. Part of me believes that if I can get to the cabin, I will be safe. I stumble out into the small clearing. The cabin is just the way I left it. I sigh in relief and run up to it. Before I can reach the steps something smacks into my back and I sprawl on the ground. Thunder clashes overhead and cold drops of rain begin to fall. A hand grabs the back of my shirt and I'm lifted back to my feet. I hear a familiar clicking sound and I try to swallow the lump in my throat. He has a gun.

"You really going to use that?" I ask, trying to keep my voice strong. I stare straight ahead. If I could just distract him enough to make it up those steps, I would be safe.

"What? You don't think I will?" The voice makes my skin crawl. There is a scuffling behind me as his friends come out into the clearing after their leader.

"I have to no doubt that you want to," stay calm Andy! "But I really don't think you have the guts." The words slip out before I can stop them and I know that I'm going to die. I've sealed my grave. I hear his shocked gasp and an irritated growling sound. I smile slightly. At least I get to piss him off one last time. I have no time to register the noise before I feel pain, white hot, like fire through my veins. Then suddenly, the pain's gone.

It's dark. My eyes are open but I can't see a thing. The air around me feels thick and cold. I try to sit up. I feel as if my body is made of lead. I turn back to see what I was lying on and find my own face staring back at me. My face. What the Hell!?! My face is white and my eyes are wide open. I try to take a breath, but find myself unable to. Why can I see myself self if I can't see anything else?

"Why can't he just hurry up!?" 

The voice is female and seems to be coming from somewhere above my head. I look back down at my face. What happened to me? Why am I lying there? Am I… dead? No I can't be. I'm still here aren't I?

There is more talking from above me. I'm curious as Hell, so I scramble to my feet. I feel way too light and way too heavy at the same time. I glance down at my body, trying not to think about why it's there. I'm still in darkness. I move my arms and find my hands are moving through some sort of substance. The more I think about it, the thicker it gets, until I'm feeling what feels like dirt, running over my fingers. I tilt my head back, trying and failing to breath. It seems that I don't need to. I reach up with my hands and feel the tips of my fingers break the surface. That's when I notice yet another unusual thing. I can't feel my heart beating. I'm totally freaked out but I'm not panting and there is no frantic thudding in my chest. Suddenly, the earth around my fingers feels solid and I dig my fingers into it, slowly pulling myself to the surface. The dirt seems to fall away from my face and the bright daylight stings my eyes. I'm looking up at the trees above me. The leaves are rustling in the wind but I cannot feel the breeze on my face. I glance down. Yep, I was in the ground. What happened?! Where am I!?

"I can always have a shower," It's the same soft, sweet voice I heard before only this time I can see the owner. It has long red hair, glowing red eyes and skin the same colour as the clouds above. Stretching out behind are a pair of what I think are wings. Huge, see-through wings. She smiles and her I see that her teeth are sharpened into points.

I freeze, half sticking out of the mud, my eyes fixing on a pair of dark, leathery wings. The owner of this pair has dark, inky blue hair and his skin is a natural colour, only glossed over as if he's made of porcelain. 

I put my hands back onto the mud, trying to push myself out. My hands go straight through and I let out a cry as my face smacks into the dirt.

Blue haired guy turns to look at me and suddenly, the monster is gone. His skin becomes more natural, his golden eyes soften to a browner colour and his ears change shape. He smiles slightly at me and his wings fold in neatly behind his back. He stands up and comes over to me, holding out a hand. Does he want me to shake it?

"Do you want to get out of there?" he asks, his voice is soft and kind.

I reach out for his hand but mine just goes straight through. I look down at it. I can see through my hand! 

He tells me to concentrate and I do, reaching out and letting him pull me from the ground.

Once I'm out, the strange people don't tell me who they are. They tell me that I died. Shot in the back of the head… I can't remember it… Well of course you can't, stupid, I tell myself, you died!

Their voices are calming. I can't help but relax and tell them my name. The blue haired man puts a hand on my shoulder.  He mutters something, but I'm too focussed on what is going on around us.

The world is moving. Things are changing shape in front of me. The clearing with the cabin and the surrounding trees morphs into a huge white room with a door on two opposite walls. I look up. I can see nothing but white. I can't tell where the floor stops and the walls begin. For all I know, I could take only a few steps and walk straight into a wall.  There is so much white, in fact, that it hurts my eyes. I slam them shut, wishing that I could fill my lungs with air. I can't breathe and it should hurt, but it doesn't. My heart isn't pounding. I feel empty. Hollow.

"Andy? Are you ok?" Her voice is so soft and sweet. I open my eyes and see her staring at me. Her dark eyes are rimmed with black makeup and her clothes complete the sort of punk look. She winces as a piece of hair sticks into her eyes and struggles to remove it.

I try to say something but the emptiness inside of me and lack of air in my lungs means that I almost forget how to speak. How are you supposed to talk if you have no breath?

The blue haired man slaps me on the back and chuckles. He confidently walks forward and puts his hands out in front of him. He digs his hand into the back pocket of his black jeans and pulls out something small and silver. He inserts the key into the wall and turns it. I can't even see the keyhole…

Two, identical, wooden doors seem to grow out of the floor in front of me, getting bigger and bigger until they are almost three times my height. Once they have stopped growing, the blue haired man takes the key out of the wall and comes around so that he's standing on the same side of them as I am. He looks at the closely and groans. He turns to the reed headed chick and nods his head. She sighs and they stand next to the doors. They Lean against them and push them until the doors lurch and fly back, slamming into the white wall and leaving the two creatures staggering.

I take a step back. The massive door handles begin rattling and the doors shake. It's as if they're trying to rip free of the wall.

Blue haired guy grins at me and comes over. "So Andy," he says, panting slightly and gesturing to the doors. "Do you want to go to Heaven or Hell?"

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