Leather Wings - Ch.3

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“You want me to choose?” I stare at the doors.

“We want you to guess!” Red head says cheerfully.

“So… one of them leads to heaven and the other to Hell?”

Both of them nod. I look from one door to the other. They’re identical.

“How am I supposed to tell which is which? Don’t I get any hints?”

Blue haired guy laughs. “Go and open one.”

I take few steps forward and wrap my hand around the handle of the door on the right. I pull the door open a crack. There is nothing on the other side. Just darkness. It makes me feel weird. That much nothingness is unnatural. I don’t like this door. I go to the other and pull it open. It opens into a garden, a rather pretty one with extremely neat garden beds and a footpath leading up to a little cottage. I can hear birds and see a few children playing in the dirt. I can feel a warm wind blowing on my face and I close my eyes. This is the place I want to be. I want to be somewhere safe. I open my eyes and take a step back, shutting the door. I look from one to the other. I know which place looked nicer, but I’m not so sure that is where I’m meant to go. I look back at the creatures; their wings are slowly unfolding, stretching out behind them. They do look rather awesome… I turn back to the doors. All I really want is to be home. To be talking and laughing with my friends. I want to be singing and watching CC’s foot go crazy as he plays the drums.

“Come on Andy,” Blue haired guy says. “You have to choose…”

I sigh and walk over to the door on the right. Trying and failing to take a breath, I pull the door open and step out into the nothingness.

I fall. My stomach seems to have been left behind and I can no longer see a thing. Wind rushed past me and I mentally hit myself. Why did you choose this door Andy?!  I shut my eyes. The other door would have led to a much nicer place… It just felt wrong. Like that world was too perfect and boring. At least I’m not bored…

I’m yanked to a stop, as though hands have wrapped around my ankles and wrists and are holding me in place. My head spins and I feel myself being slowly turned over. I stare up. I can just make a faint light from the white room way above me. There is a huge flash and I feel as if I’ve been set on fire. My skin burns, my head aches and I feel something underneath the skin of my back, moving up. My chest explodes with light and I shout out.

“It will be over soon Andy, I promise,” a soft voice whispers to me.

The fire stops and as the last of the pain in my chest fades away, I feel a rhythmic beating. My heart. I arch my back and take a huge breath of air, finally able to fill my lungs. I’m let go again and wind stings my eyes. I squeeze them shut. It seems as if I’m falling for hours. My heart isn’t thumping as frantically as I would have expected…

I land with a thud. I try to open my eyes but I can’t.

“ANDY!” someone very familiar is screaming my name. I feel a small, cold hand on my face and the person starts whispering. “Andy, are you okay? You have to be okay!” I can hear them crying.

I want to speak out, to comfort them, but I can’t. I’m paralysed. Is this Hell? To be able to hear a loved one in pain, but to not be able to help… that sounds pretty Hellish to me.

“Andy, don’t go…” a tear splashes onto my cheek and I try to reach up and brush it away. My arm jerks upwards and I hear a gasp of pain as I whack the person in the face. At least I think it was their face…

I manage to crack my eyes open then. I don’t recognise the person staring down at me. I don’t know who they are. I could have sworn that they were someone else…

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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