The box

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She woke up again. She was only thinking about the box. She needed to know what was in the box. She got out of bed, got the keys and unlocked the door as quiet as a mouse. As she was opening the door, the door made more sound then a elephant running from  big foot. She went up the stares to get some oil. She knew what to do. She got the oil and went back to the basement door. She oiled the door, and was totally quiet. She opened the door with out a singer sound. And there in the middle of the room was this black box with ropes around it. She knew that was the one she was looking for.

She desired to open the box. As she untied the ropes, she felt like somebody was watching her. She put her hands on the lid of the box and opened it. She was shocked wen she saw what was in it......

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