Teachings And The Room...

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Jack's pov~

  Slowly I started to wake up. I felt a hand on my shoulder that was shaking me firmly. I grumbled as I fully gained conscience. I opened my eyes tiredly and looked up to see a man in a black tank mask, his dark brown hair peeking just out of the top.

  "Finally you fucking woke up..." The man grumbled in a deep monotone voice. His figure slowly walked away, towards a TV that sat alone, centered on the wall. The room was cold and bare. The ceiling, walls, and floor were all stone, the only things in the room being the TV and the chair that I felt I was tied to.

  I tried to move my hands but I could feel an itchy bond cutting daringly into my skin. I hissed in pain and stopped as soon as I had started. I looked back up to the man as he turned on the TV. The static of the non-working channel rung through the air, again I flinched at the annoying sound. My dads voice boomed through my head... "Suck it up, your such a fucking scared gay piece of shit... Faggot."  I felt tears start to brim at my eyes at the memories of his harsh words. I quickly made myself stop as I watched the man again.

  He placed a DVD in the receiver and the screen changed almost instantly to a bright blue screen with the words "WELCOME" on it. The man floofed part of his hair (For Power...lol) that was sticking out  and it only got messier. The man sighed in defeat and looked towards his black and silver watch that clung tightly to his wrist.

  I watched as he turned back towards me. The light caught his mask as I could now see his eyes just a little for the first time, they were a strong green hue color that held the practical definition of power and domination mixed together. 

  "I'm only going to say this once so listen up." He glared his overpowering eyes at me and I was quick to nod pulling my full attention to the man.

  "Right now you are in an abandoned warehouse, along with over 5 billion other children and adults. The government has taken all the men and women and organized them into two separate facilities."

  I looked up at him questioningly through his mask. This whole thing made no sense...

  "Why? Why are they doing something like this?..." He only shook his head and looked back towards the TV that was still waiting to be played practically begging for someone to press the play button with its static noise. He then glanced back down to his watch and then at me.

  "This video will answer any questions you have... And if it doesn't then I honestly don't care, it's past my work hours anyway." He quickly rushed over to the TV, pressed the on button and strided out of the room slamming the door on his way out.

  I watched as he walked out then adverted my attention back to the TV that was now finally playing. The ropes still pressed hardly into my wrists as I tried to get the slightest bit comfortable in the hard fold up chair. I was taken aback as the TV played at full volume...

  "Hello! And welcome to the United Generations Separation Guild!" I listened intently as the mans voice boomed through the smallish speakers on the front of the TV.

  "As you may or may not already know, the government and advanced forces have decided to separate all the boys from the girls. They did this to stop any further reproduction from happening as the world population is already currently over 12 billion!" My face held pure shock as I thought about the huge number he just stated. 12 billion?!?!

  "You may be wondering why you're here! Even if you don't have any relationship status...-" I nodded to myself agreeing with the man, I had no idea why I was here. I'm gay for crying out loud.

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