25: Ayo

972 17 1

Another request :) 



y/n pov

Today I start a new college. I got transferred here after doing 4 years at another college. I moved all my stuff in this weekend but I didn't get to see who my roommate is. I can tell it's a guy because his side of the room and guy clothes and some big ass shoes. 

I just hope he's not gonna bother me. 

Today is Sunday and it's my first night staying in my dorm. I'm about to fall asleep when suddenly, a guy with purple dreads walks in walking in a curved line and slurring his words. He then fell to the ground. 

I grabbed the bottle from his hand and help him up. 

"Ouh-hh Hayyyyyyy." He says touching my nose. 

God please don't tell me my roommate is a crazy drunk. 

I set him on his bed but he pulls me with him. He takes his shirt off and keep a tight grip around my waist. I try to get out of it but he tightens his arms. I hear him snore so I guess I'll just be comfortable like this the whole night. Note my sarcasm. 

When I wake up in the morning, I hear the guy throwing up in the bathroom and I get up off his bed. 

He walks out holding his head. 

"Yo I'm so sorry if I scared you or something. I got fucked up last night. I'm Ayleo but you can call me Ayo." He says. 

"Y/n." I say. 

I hand him some of my painkillers and a water bottle. He thanks me and shallows the pill. I leave for class and I see him falling back asleep. 

As I walk to class, I can't get Ayo out of my mind. He's so intriguing. And sexy. He made purple look good on his hair.  Omg don't think like that. I don't even know him. 


I walk back into my dorm after my first day of school. He's sitting at his desk eating some pasta. 

"I made a plate for you because you helped me with my hangover." He says. 

"Oh thanks ayo." I say and start eating. MMMhmm this good. 

We finish eating and I'm on his bed watching netflix with him. 

"My girlfriend of 3 years left me last week because she cheated on me with another guy and now she having his baby." Ayo says out of no where. 

I snap my neck so quick. 

"Damn. A long time ago my ex told me that he didn't actually love me, he used me for money." I say trying to make him feel better. 

"Well I'd never do that to a beautiful girl like you." He says and I feel my cheeks get red. 

He scoots closer to me and he puts his hands on my waist. 

"I'd treat you better than anyone." He says and smashes his lips on mine. 


It's been about a month now and school has been going great. But I think Ayo starting to become clingy. Like whenever I'm going out he freaks out. Like boi who do you think you are?

He told me he loves me but we not even together. I do like him but I not looking for a relationship right now. But this guy doesn't take no for an answer either, he always wants his way. 

I open my dorm door coming back from a party. It's late at night I though Ayo would be asleep but when I open the door he's sitting right in the middle of the room, but he looks pissed. 

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?!" He says angrily. 

"Ayo stop worrying I'm fine. And you acting like we together or sum and it's weird." I say taking off my heels. 

"Well it wouldn't be weird if you JUST LOVED ME." He gets up and grabs my arms throwing me on the bed. 

He starts to put his hands around my neck, cutting the air off. 

"Why DON'T YOU LOVE ME?" He screams pinching my throat even more. I feel my face start to get red and I can see black dots in my vision. I make one last attempt and I grab his face trying to make him stop.

All of the sudden, my neck is released from his hands and I can finally breathe. It never felt this good to breathe until now. He stares at his hands breathing hard, but he's not angry anymore, he's in shock. 

He gets off the red and runs to the bathroom, locking it. I can hear his tears and sobs. 

"AYO!" I say banging on the door. Why he locking it?

"Ayo open the door please!"

No response. I bang on the door rapidly and he punches the door once, scaring me. I jump back a little.

"I'm sorry. I'm punishing myself for hurting you." He says. 

I don't answer to that and I sit outside the door waiting fro him to come out but I eventually fall asleep. 

In the morning, it's peaceful and quiet and you can hear the birds outside. Ayo opens the door and he has shame written on his face. He's teary eyed. 

"I'm sorry for hurting you." He whispers and drops to his knees into my lap. He says that over and over again to himself. 

I cradle him and lay his head on my chest.

"Please don't hate me. I don't know what to do with myself. I need help." He says. 

I run my hands though his dreads. 

"I don't hate you." 



which makes me kinda sad. 

but you can't hate bc he's just like the rest of us and he's getting old too 

and ig she looks alright but personality matters more 

so ig good for him 

BUT TEO IS SINGLEEEEE, unless he got sum going on wit someone

they both fye 

unicorn gang 

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