35 :Ayo

627 12 1

This is a request from one of you guys


Btw, story starts out with Ayo in jail ;)

Ayo's pov

Ok almost there, just through the crack.

Ohhhhhh finally.

I just escaped this bitch. I don't know how long it took me but I was cramped in a lot of small places for a long time. I planned this for months, surprised I didn't get caught. But no one knows how to do their job here.

I jump in the back of a bus that takes old people places. First, I'm going home to take a real shower. Change into my nice clothes, maybe do a little dancing. That passed my time in prison. And then I'll find y/n.

I still love her even though we not together. We had to end it because I ended up in jail and never told her why, but she understood it and agreed that we shouldn't be together anymore.

But I need to find her. I need to hide. I don't have a family and she's the only person I know. Hopefully she still lives in that house. I put on my best outfit and walk to her house.

"Hello?" She opens the door and looks up at me and screams. I hold her mouth and push her in and lock the door. She runs away from me and covers herself.

"Omg please don't hurt me." She starts crying.

"I'm not here to hurt you baby. But I need you to hide me." I say.

"Why this is a crime. You escaped?!"

"Yes now shut up YOU HAVE TO HIDE ME!" I scream and I hear someone sniffling behind her.

"Mommy who is this?" The little boy says.

"Baby it's ok. Don't be scared." She wipes her tears and holds the child protectively.

"If you stay you respect me and my child." She says and I nod my head. That kid kinda looks like me.

"Who's the baby daddy?" I ask.

"You." She looks down and says quietly. My eyes go wide.

"Can- can I hold him?" I say.

She walks over the me and I hold him in my arms. He's about 4-5 years old. Tears come down my face.

"His name is Jermaine." She says.

"Jermaine, I promise ima take care of you for the rest of your life and not send you down the path I went on. Always respect yo mama and everyone, unless they tryna start something with you then you know you gotta-"

"Ok that's enough for today." She says and cuts me off. For the rest of the night I played games with jermaine while y/n did stuff around the house.

When he falls asleep, I bring him to his room and kiss his forehead. I'm sharing a room with y/n. When I walk in, she's in a bra and underwear changing.

I ain't had a women in a long time.

I grab her waist from behind and start grinding. She screams and I turn her around and my finger up to her lips. I hold her in my arms and put my forehead against hers.

"I love you. I missed you everyday in prison." I say. She doesn't answer back and hugs me.


So a few months have passed and everything been going great. Me and y/n are back together and better than ever.

And I just found out she pregnant again. I hope it's a girl this time. I would love to spoil one all day.

"Baby can you wake up jermaine?" She asks and I go upstairs. I see he's already up and getting ready by himself, dats my nigga.

"Aye look at you bruh," I slap his arm playfully, "come on yo mama want you downstairs."

"Ok daddy." He grabs my hand and we walk down together.

As soon as we walk down the stairs, the opps break down the door and put their guns everywhere. Y/n screams and puts her hands up. Oh shit.

I let go of jermaine's hand and put my hands up, walking towards them.

"No! He didn't do anything wrong!" Y/n screams and tries to grab me but the officer pushers her away.

"Ma'am, this is a dangerous man. He committed a murder." The officer says to her.

"No he didn't! He can't leave I'm pregnant!" She says and starts crying.

"Ma'am you need to understand that he killed your father." As soon as he says that the whole room goes quiet.

Then, Jermaine starts crying. Then she starts crying.

"What?! That's not trueeeee!" She drops to the ground.


"Where's my money yo?!" I say to him.

I never wouldn't thought that y/n dad is a drugie on the low. He told me he's always upset since his wife died of cancer.

He used all his money to pay for her funeral and the hospital bills, and he said he was gonna pay me back for the drugs and I said ok. Now usually I would say no but he's y/n's dad.

But he fucked up. He don't got my money. And now he gotta pay.

"MY MONEY!" I grab his shirt and put the gun at his shoulder. He pulls out a dollar but he owns me two hundred.

I shoot his shoulder. That's not enough money. And I owe someone two hundred dollars.

"I'm sorry this all I have!" He says and I shake my head.

"I  gave you two months to get the money and I need it now. I gave you a chance and you took it for granted. Good bye." I smile and shoot him 3 times in the head.

I searched his bags and he really didn't have anything on him. When I get up and turn around, the police were standing there, surrounding me.

Flashback over

'I'm sorry.'

That was the last thing I worded to her before they took me away. I knew I messed up. Now I can be there for my second child. I broke my promise to my first child, saying I was gonna be in his life forever. I'm probably gonna get life without parole now. Maybe she'll come see me.




Send me requests please!!!!

Unicorn gang

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