Part 3

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No one got the reference, surprisingly! So I'll explain:

Seto took his name from the cartoon/anime YuGiOh. There's a character who is generally a villain, mostly an anti-hero, called Seto Kaiba. He originally called himself setosorcerer on Runescape because the amount of characters (twelve) in the name fit perfectly and also because he really liked YuGiOh.

Yami Yugi is another character from YuGiOh, and I figured, if Seto was gonna name anything after anything, it'd be another YuGiOh character, lmao. Hence, Yami the parrot.

Ciao for now!


"So..." Seto said. I shuffled my feet awkwardly.

"So-o! So-o!" Yami squaked.

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you seek out Crow?" Seto asked.

"I didn't seek them out, they kind of found me," I explained. "I was being chased and your friends saved me."

"Chased by who?"

"Some guys who wanted the bounty on my head."

"You have a bounty on your head?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," I said, holding onto my arm meekly and looking down at my shoes. "I'm young. I make mistakes. That's all I'm going to say right now."

"Alright," Seto said. "I'm wanted for having a computer and a phone without a permit. I still have them, actually."

"That's pretty bad," I said through a pity laugh. Wasn't as bad as what I was on the run for, but it was still pretty goddamn bad. "I still have questions about the magic, by the way."

"Oh?" Seto looked at me.

"Like, what is it? How do you do it?"

"I dunno, just, like this?" Seto said, snapping his fingers. A purple spark appeared in the air, and vanished instantly. "I think it has something to do with my eye."

"Your eye looks normal to me," I said.

"Oh, it does now," Seto said, waving his hand in front of his eye. When he took it away from his face, a single one of his eyes was bright purple. My eyes widened. "But now? Not so much."

I made an "O" shape with my mouth. "So, you were just born like that?"

"Yeah," Seto said. "I mean, I assume so. I was adopted. My parents had no idea who my bio parents were, so I guess they could have been any amount of weird."

"D'you suppose your bio parents could do magic, too?"

"I suppose so!" Seto exclaimed. "Otherwise I have no idea how I could do it."


We decided on sleeping arrangements; there was only a single bed, and it was Seto's, so I opted to sleep on the couch near the door.

It wasn't comfortable. Seto had offered me his bed, but I really didn't want to sleep in a stranger's room.

I dreamed I was being chased.

I woke with a start. I could smell something delicious wafting through the air; I assumed Seto was making breakfast.

"Good morning! Good morning!" A voice hit my ears. It was Yami, perching on a bookshelf across the room. Boy, Seto sure had trained this bird well. "Good morning! Squawk!"

"Good morning, Yami," I said, rubbing my eyes. "You can't tell me what Seto's making for breakfast, can you?"

The bird looked at me dumbly.

"I guess not."

Suddenly, Seto popped his head into the room. "It's pancakes," he said with a grin.

Geez, how was this guy so happy all the time?

"Oh, nice," I said. "You didn't have to do that."

"I do it for myself every morning, might as well make extra for you!" Seto exclaimed. He appeared to be forcing his smile.

I tilted my head. "Something wrong?"

"No," he said unconvincingly.

"Yes," I replied.

"No," he said, sternly. I dropped it. This guy knew magic and could probably kill me if I made a wrong move.

He went back to making the pancakes, and I followed him into the kitchen.

It was small, but much nicer than the rest of the house. The countertops were white and pristine, the stove turned on with a pan housing four pancakes sitting on top, and Seto held a spatula in his hand. Every so often, the spatula would fly out of his hand and become surrounded in a purple, magical glow. I could feel it in the air; the magic; it felt warm and comforting.

"D'you think you could teach someone to do magic?" I asked out of nowhere.

"I dunno," Seto said, flipping the pancakes. "Never tried."

"Well, would you be willing to try?" I asked. I was interested in magic. It felt like home; a home I'd never felt before.

"I mean, I don't see why not," Seto replied. "Why? do you want to learn?"

"Maybe," I said. "It's fascinating."

"You're right about that," he said, putting the pancakes on a plate. "It's pretty damn fascinating."

Seto finished the pancakes and we sat down to eat at the kitchen table. Seto also fed Yami, of course.

The pancakes were delicious and it felt like they had a hint of magic in them, from the way they warmed up my insides.

"So, should we start today?" Seto asked suddenly.

"Hm?" I looked up from my food.

"Me teaching you magic. Should we start today?"




There'll be some romantic tension next chapter don't worry ;33333


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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