April fools!

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"Hi y'all, I'm back" said starlight glimmer using her horn to put her staff in her room without the others noticing.

"Hi starlight glimmer" twilight said. Look who is going to be our friend. Introduction you to trixie lunamoon"

Trixie game her a smile while she frown and looked at her again. 'Wait' she thought 'that was the pony who was taking over equestria for the longest time'....

*sudden flashback*

Trixie was using her ambulet to make ponies do what she wanted to do. She had thousand of slaves. And their I was. I was walking over towards ponyville, and saw her. I thought we would be good friends. So I talked to her, and she refused my request. That broke my heart, but that made me who I am. And one day, i will take over my own land.

*flashback over*

"Trixie, the perfect pony who would rule with me" star said as she looked around and realised she said all of that out loud. "I mean, do you want to be friends?" 

"Um... sure " she replyed.

"Hey trixie, can we hang out, you know, so I can know you better?"

"Well we actua-" twilight said while trixie interrupted her.

"Sure" see you guys later. Trixie said as she walked with her new pal.

"I am not trusting this starlight glimmer twilight, what if she does something bad that we dont know. Remember she send those letters to celestia. If she didn't add her name to it, celestia would most likely 100% she would fall for it."

"No rainbow dash! I don't care of what you think. If starlight was never our friend, she would probably be doing evil stuff right now, like 2 years ago" 


"Hey trixie, let's see tierks evil plans." Starlight glimmer said as she was walking to his prison cell he broke out of. 

"I am sure he doesn't  have any. I mean, us villains think our way in our brain. Um starlight, what are you doing?" She concluded

Starlight pushed trixie in a cage and used her machine to make her be evil and take over the world. "My plans has finally working out" starlight said with evil laughter.

"I thought we were friends"

"Um... ya, that was in the past. I am using you to help me destroy the world"

"Why can't you do it yourself? Everyone does that besides you"

"Um... good question, think that later" starlight used the machine to make her evil again. She will forget all of her friendships that were made.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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