Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

After school...

 Derek's mom offered to pick him and I up so we could do homework and studying at his house. I gladly accepted that offer. Today was just a nightmare. Brittany and her minions gave me a hard time on top of everyone gossiping abut the breakup. It's sad that there's no such thing as privacy anymore. Thank the lord that no one involved died. I can only imagine what would happen then...

 Becky wanted to come with us but her boyfriend dragged her away before she could even give a proper answer. He's a nice enough guy, but at times he acts as though he owns her. Girls are not property. Just like guys, we are allowed to speak our minds, follow our dreams, and associate with whoever we want to. He's not abusive towards her in any way thankfully. If he was, I'd kick his ass. I'm sure that all it resort to is that they haven't spent much time together lately and he misses her. 

  "Derek, you're gone so far out of your way for me today. I honestly owe you something in return. Tell me what you'd like and I'll do or get it." Derek puts an arm around me as he often does. "You don't owe me anything Myra. That's what friends are for." I smile sadly at him. "I'm sorry. I'm still not used to this." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Not used to what?" "Having friends who actually give a damn about me. Before you and Becky came along, I was a nobody." Derek put a hand on my cheek and caresses it gently. "First of all, you never were or will be a loser. Second of all,  you're not alone anymore. That's a promise. I know that Clark has caused you to question yourself and your abilities, but don't let him be the cause of a downfall. Instead, deal with the pain head on. Cry, scream, and rage as much as you want. Then when you're feeling better and have moved on, you can look back say that the breakup only made you stronger. I give him a small smile. "Wow Derek, that was deep, even for you." He shrugs his shoulders playfully. "It's no big deal. I can be wise from time to time despite my poor judgment." 

   I move a little closer to him and surprise us both by kissing him on the cheek. A slight blush forms across his face and mine. For the rest of our homework and study session, we work in a peaceful silence, though we relish over the moment we had earlier. 

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