Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

A week later... The first day of summer vacation...


   I pleaded with my parents for weeks to let me skip the last day of school this year because it's totally pointless for anyone besides seniors to attend the last day of school... and they actually said yes. They were thrilled actually because it gave us a day's head start up to Maine, an annual trip we enjoy taking together. Maine is just beautiful. It's so scenic, the food is to die for, and it's a place where you feel at peace. We're staying here for the next four days and I couldn't be happier. When we get back, I have the Andy Grammer concert with Becky to look forward to the next day. Summer's officially off to a good start! 

    Now you're probably how far we are to Maine so I'll tell you. We're about halfway to where in Maine we're going. The halfway mark is this really nice rest area right over the state line. When I say it's really nice, it is. It has everything from Starbucks to Popeyes under one roof. We're there now grabbing a quick bite to eat and using the bathroom before making the rest of our journey, which is another two hours. Not too shabby if you ask me.

Two hours later...

   We've arrived at our destination and check into the hotel. We take a little while to get settled before going into town... on a trolley! That's right, a trolley. Not many places have them anymore but certain parts of Maine do. I love trolleys. Riding the trolley is one of my high points of the trip every year. Not to mention mini golf, wandering through the classic shops, eating at the best cafes, and simply sitting down by the ocean. Maine's not Maine without a good view of the ocean. That's how you know that you're doing Maine the right way. 

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