damon's hell

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Nobody POV
Damon's hellscape Confederate front line 1863
Damon's soul is currently in his own personal hell in the Phoenix Stone, which has just brought him back to a memory of fighting in the Civil War for the Confederate Army. A landmine has just gone off in the woods where they're fighting, causing several soldiers to be forcefully thrown backward. Damon is laying flat on the forest floor with a large bloody wound on his abdomen from being hit with mortar shells. He groans in pain as he pulls himself onto his feet and looks around in horror as he watches Confederate and Union soldiers alike falling in the battle. Suddenly, a familiar female voice is heard behind him

"Have a nice nap?"  A family voice said

He turns around and is shocked to see Lily, dressed in a blue gown typical of the era and looking at him curiously

"Mother?" he said stunned

Before he can react further, another landmine explodes, and he ducks to avoid the shrapnel. Suddenly, Henry, one of the vampires from the tomb that Katherine turned in 1864, calls out to him

"Salvatore, help me!" Henry said

Damon, still dazed, turns to find Henry pinned under the wheel of a large cannon

"Henry!" he said

He quickly turns back to Lily, only to find that she has completely vanished. It's clear that he's overwhelmed by what he just saw, but Henry's cries eventually snap him out of it

"Please! You must help me" Henry said

Damon finally stumbles over to where Henry has been pinned down and starts pushing the cannon off of his friend

Henry groans in pain "Aah!" he groaned

Once the cannon has been moved, Damon bends over to help Henry to his feet

"Come, Henry. We are getting you out of here" he said

He puts Henry's arm around his shoulder and helps him walk away from the battle as landmines continue to go off around them and soldiers shoot at each other with their muskets

The next morning, a bugle call is played loudly, which awakens Damon from his sleep. He groans in pain and looks at his patched up wounds before realizing he's laying on a cot at the field hospital. On the cot next to him sits Henry, who is dirty and has a bloody wound on his head but otherwise looks fine

Henry smiles "Hi there, hero. You've been out a long time" he said

Just then, an older soldier walks into the tent with a large bag of mail

"Mail call!" he said

The soldier hands Damon an envelope, and he stares at it for a long moment

"News from home?" Henry asked

"My brother" Damon said

He frowns in concern as he opens the letter, and Stefan's voice narrates the message in voiceover

" "Dear Damon. They tell us to only send good news, but I cannot. The days grow darker in Mystic Falls, and my heart darker still. Valerie left and never came back. Father drinks himself to sleep nightly. As the anniversary of mother's death approaches, I find myself unable to sleep, paralyzed by a waking dread that I cannot shake and dare not name. I wish you were here, brother, to teach me how to survive these endless nights."" Stefan said voiceover

I'm a Gilbert-Petrova [5]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon