I would for you

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Nobody POV
Rayna has just awakened naked in the woods of the Bayou in New Orleans, surrounded by smoldering dead leaves around her that were set ablaze when her old body burst into flames and regenerated. She rolls out a crick in her neck and looks around to find a bunch of clothes hanging on a clothesline next to a tent, which she steals and puts on. She finds her sword laying nearby on the ground and picks it up with a determined expression as she makes her way out of the woods

A currently unidentifiable woman is walking down the street with her hood up when suddenly, a very muscular and intimidating vampire vamp-speeds behind her before starting to follow her at a human pace from a short distance away. The woman is listening to loud music through earbuds which are connected to the phone in her back pocket, and she appears to be oblivious to the man behind her. Finally, she stops and turns around to face him, revealing that it's Deputy Penny Ares, Matt's friend, dressed in civilian clothing

"What do you want?" she asked

"Just looking for a bite" he said

The man's fangs and vampire eyes come out, and Penny pretends to be afraid

"Oh God. You're a vampire" she said

"And you're lunch" he said

Before the vampire can attack her, however, he's staked from behind by Matt, who has one of Alaric's stake-shooting guns in his hands. Penny removes her earbuds and gives him a look

 Penny removes her earbuds and gives him a look

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"Shouldn't he be turning all gray?" she asked

Matt cocks and reloads his gun, which is still aimed at the vampire, who is now on his knees on the ground and is gasping and gagging as though the stake hit him in the lungs rather than the heart

"All the other ones turned gray. Unless, of course, you missed" she said

"How many vampires have I killed in the last few days?" he asked

She shrugs "A lot. But who knows how many you would have killed if you hadn't missed a third of the time?" she said

"He's got a thick jacket on. I can't exactly see where his heart is" he said

"Outerwear? That's your excuse?" she asked

She pulls out her gun and shoots him in the chest, right in the heart, killing him instantly before looking at Matt with a cocky grin

"You gonna stand there and brag all day, or are you gonna help me load him into the car? We gotta get him out of here before the--" he said

Suddenly, Krystal, Damon's one-night-stand appears behind them with at least another half-dozen of her fellow vampires standing around her

"Julian's other vampires get suspicious? Too late" she said

Matt reaches for his stake-shooting gun, and Krystal sneers at him  "Touch it and die. Actually, why don't you die anyway?" she said

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