Chapter 3

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Felicity's P.O.V

Me and my brother walked out in the hallway where Ralph was and i smiled at him and waved " Ralph may we help you " Felix said while he just stood there " Hey Felix and Felicity i just came to checked on you two i saw a big uh.. explosion over the building " he said as i tried to stifle a laugh trying not to come off mean because let's face it i find it unfair how we treat Ralph so every time i treat him nicely. " oh those are just fireworks " Felix said as i nodded sensing how awkward the situation was getting " oh is it somebody's birthday or- " he said before he cut himself off. " well it's more of an anniversary the 30th anniversary of our game actually " my brother said fiddling with his hammer a bit as i still kept a smile on my face " What is that today?" Ralph asked smiling " i know " Felix said disbelievingly as i laughed at the two rambling, but soon it became awkward. " uh...just a heads up Felix and Felicity they're about to serve the cake " Glenn said as we nodded " Hi Glenn " he said then Glenn gave him a bored look " Ralph " Glenn said bitterly before going back in the apartment. " Cake! heard about this cake stuff never had it no one ever seemed to throw it so it never end up in the dumped " Ralph said as i stood in shock " oh my gosh you never had cake what is wrong with us we didn't even think to  invite him and he never had cake Felix we need to change that " i said as he looked at me then to  Ralph. " I don't suppose you wanna come in and have a slice would ya " my brother said as he entered the apartment with Ralph. He accidentally hit the ceiling and parts of it hit my brother. " i'm okay i'm okay fit as a fiddle " he said as everyone calmed down. 

Felix's P.O.V 

 Ralph started greeting everyone until he came to gene " Why is he here  " Gene said as my sister scoffed basically because she never liked Gene and i personally didn't favor him but being the nice i am i treated everyone nicely even Ralph but i didn't treat Ralph as nicely as my sister. " He's just here for a slice of cake " i said calmly as Ralph walked in front me and my sister " and i'm a big part of the game technically speaking um...why are you here Gene " Ralph said then they stared glaring at each other while my sister smirked to herself. " oh look the cake " i said pulling felicity through the tense situation. " well i be dipped you really out done yourself Mary " I complimented as my sister nodded in agreement " Each apartment is everyone's favorite flavor " Then she start saying which person the apartment flavor belonged to. 

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