Chapter One: Hogwarts

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"I wanna be kind like Hufflepuff, wise like Ravenclaw, ambitious like Slytherin, and brave like Gryffindor."

Saga O'Connor was just planning for nice midnight snacks for her friends, she didn't expect anything strange would happen other than Aurora Charlington pulling a prank on Suzan Gahler, trying to outsmart the Ravenclaw girl. But as Saga was falling through the portal like the protagonist in a muggle fairytale she heard once (Saga later found out the protagonist's name was Alice instead of Ada), she realized more mysterious things are at the end of the portal.

Let's rewind everything and start at the beginning of the day.

It was the 17th of June, most Hogwarts students were planning for their summer hangouts and packing for the arrival of summer vacation because today was the last day of their exam period. As the bell rang, a hall full of students were rushing out to get some fresh air.

A blonde girl was walking next to Saga, who despite the joyful atmosphere, did not look happy at all. Her name was Emma Byrd, a half-blood Slytherin student. She was grateful that the Dark Lord no longer existed, and the world was peaceful. People cared less about "blood purity". The four houses were all having healthy competitions from time to time. However, she was not happy about the fact that she needed to remember, not only one but two super dull and long wars. And both of them started because the same guy wanted to live forever! If that V-guy just stayed in his lane, and maybe start eating gluten-free food, he may have lived longer than Dumbledore. Emma groaned as she was recalling all the questions from the exam, trying to find the answers on the textbook to check if she wrote the right year.

"Emma," Saga took the textbook away from the Slytherin and grinned, "don't worry about the exam, I am sure you did great! You always do! Besides, aren't you excited for the sleepover tonight? I heard Aurora is trying to pull a prank on Suzan again! I hope this time no one will end up in the hospital wing."

"Ah yes, Gryffindors. They are just reckless."

"Wow hold your Hippogriff my dear Slytherin friend, Gryffindors are amazing okay?" Aurora was accompanied by Suzan as they walked up to their friends, "And I can't believe you spoiled the prank to Emma, and now I can't do my remarkable prank." Aurora let out a dramatic sigh which earned an eye roll from the Ravenclaw.

"Have you guys seen the new trophy in the cardboard by the way? It has my name on it! I will go down as the best beater Hogwarts has ever got!"

"Shut up Aurora." The four girls laughed as they were walking toward the black lake, where they could sit and relax for the rest of the day, then maybe they would go to the kitchen and ask the house elves for some food for their sleepover tonight.

Suzan Gahler was proud of her intelligence. Born in a wizard family, she was surrounded with magical knowledge. She may not be the prettiest or the most popular girl in the school, but she could tell everyone with confidence that she was the smartest in her grade. She aimed to be the brightest, even better than the infamous Hermione Granger, she would not let herself be outsmarted by anyone. Even though the sleepover was meant to be a celebration of the four girls finishing their finals, Suzan was already preparing for next year's exams and tests.

"Suzan, do you remember the password to Hufflepuff's common room?" Emma asked as Aurora as toying with a candle (a house elf gave it to her for the celebration cake, he claimed it would never burn out). Suzan looked up from her book and sighed, "Pumpkin."

"Wow, there is no need to call Emma pumpkin, just tell her the password! Saga is waiting for us in the common room and I can't wait to get inside," Aurora groaned as they were now standing in front of the door to Hufflepuff's common room.

"No you idiot, the password is 'pumpkin'!"

"Rory, you deserve to be called an idiot."

"I thought we were friends."

"Guys!" Saga waved at them as she was sitting on the blankets she put on the floor, "I got you some pillows too, and I see you brought the food. Come on in!"

As the girls were discussing which movie they should watch ("I want to watch Kelly: The Qudditch Player!" "Rory that movie is old." "Why can't we watch some muggle movies? Have you heard of Mean Girls? My grandma said it was a typical teen movie back in her days." "That movie was so 2000, its 2131 Saga. No."), they had no idea they would be forced to leave their home.

Aurora Charlington had never wanted to kill the precious Saga, she has always been the kind gentle Hufflepuff. As the four girls were screaming at the top of their lungs while free falling through a tunnel, Aurora recalled their last conversation before all this happened.

They were at the end of a muggle movie called Mean Girls, Saga was crying as the female lead accepted her crown and giving a speech, Rory rolled her eyes as Emma tried to comfort Saga ("I love happy endings!" "Then why are you crying?" "Because I am happy for them!" "Saga they are not real." "How can you say that Emma?"). If they had to watch a muggle movie, she would rather choose to watch a superhero movie. Muggles may not have magic, but they do have some pretty neat editing skills that make everything looks real.

"Wouldn't it be great if we can all travel to that world? And have an epic adventure?" Saga exclaimed as the movie came to an end.

"I don't know much about muggles, so it is a no for me."

"I thought you know everything Su."

"Everything that is magical!"

"Muggles don't have qudditch so no."

"Oh come on guys, it would be so fun if we can all get sent to another worl-AAAHHHHH!" Saga never got the time to finish her sentence. 

Tired of free falling and screaming, Aurora decided to stop yelling and just accept her fate. Maybe she could try to get some sleep while falling, she bet no one has ever done that. The screamings of her friends started to fade as she closed her eyes. Maybe this was all just a dream......

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