Mysterious Mr. Joel

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Blood Diamonds: Chapter 15

~Joel P.O.V.~
~The Next Day~

Right now I was back up in Oakland dropping Natalia off at her house then heading over to my parents house to catch up a little with them.

"Bye Natalia, You'll have to come down again in a few weeks. I'm sure Mookie would love that." I laughed as Natalia reached through my window to give me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hell yeah, I'll have to be down there. I already miss Mookie."

"You'll see him soon enough. Y'alls friendship is strong enough to withstand being separated for a few weeks. Tell your Mom and Dad I said hey." I said as I began to roll out of the drive way.

"Will do ! Love you Joel !" She said before she turned around and walked inside.


"Hey Nicole." I said as I walked up to the porch. Nicole was my older half-sister, but I saw her as my full related sister, regardless.

"Hey you. What are you doing up here?" She pulled me in for a hug before I took a seat in the chair next to her on the porch. I have so many memories of sitting out here with her as a little kid, even though she's a lot older than me.

"Thought I'd stop by to see Mom and Dad. How are you doing? Seems like forever since I last saw you." I remember Dad telling me about his relationship with his older sister and it only drove me to want to become closer to Nicole. Just to avoid having hatred towards her.

"I'm doing just fine. More importantly how's life down in Southern Cali?"

"It's pretty good-"

"I knew I recognized that voice." Dad said as he came walking out of the house. He gently closed the screen door and dapped me before reaching down to kiss Nicole's forehead. "That's my chair and you know it." He said with a small laugh to Nicole. She got up and he took a seat, only to have her sit on his lap. "You're 34 not 4, hop off-"

"No. I'm staying here." Nicole said back with her own satisfied smile.

"Good to see you too, Dad." I said.

"You already know. Andre was over here earlier asking when your ass was gonna be back." Andre was my legit blood cousin, but we had more of a brother relationship since we spent a lot of time growing up together. As well as my other cousins, LJ, Prince and Junior. Except they aren't blood related but I still call them my cousins.

"I'll give him a call in a little while. How's Tilly Beans-"

"Let's not even begin to discuss her. Joel, you're the reason why she's still obsessed with me." He said with a shake of his head.

"You know you like havin' her all over you. Don't even front." I said with a laugh. He just sat quiet. "Yeah, I already know. How's Uncle Lexis?"

"Doing his thing and running his gangs accordingly." Shouldn't have expected otherwise. "Still terrified of Aunt Nelle Bells."

"I still can't believe you guys are all still in the gang." Nicole said with a yawn. She was lucky, she got to grow up when Dad was really involved in the action of the gang. Don't get me wrong, Dad is still just as good as he was back in the day but now he's just really slowed down, especially when I was born as Trey says.

"I'm loyal to my Gang. I will ride with the Gang till I die. That Gang is what makes me and the reason why I'm the way I am." I look up to Dad so much. He's got it all, he's got the perfect Thug life.

"I'm stayin' Loyal to this gang just like you." I said with a smile.

" I knew I was raising you the right way even though you're are still just a youngin. Nicole, you're the child that kept me on edge."

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