Blood Diamonds

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Blood Diamonds: The Final Chapter

~Joel P.O.V.~
~Later That Night~

I had just dropped Charnae off and was now headed home. In a sense I was scared to go home. I don't know what Dad could have done with Trell.


"Hello?" I said as I walked in. I heard laughing coming from the kitchen? I walked over and saw Dad and Uncle Lexis laughing like hyenas.

"Oh shit, aye Joel." Uncle Lexis said as he dapped me. "Congrats on your son, he's hella cute. We took him everywhere once I got down here." He continued to laugh.

"Thanks and what's with all the bags?"

"We went shopping for him." Dad said.

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs asleep. We already fed him, bathed him and put him down to sleep. Go take a look at him."

I left the kitchen and quickly jogged up the stairs. I could still hear them laughing from upstairs. I looked into the crib and saw Trell sleeping happily. I also noticed a bit of a shine coming from his ears.

"Dad. Did you seriously-"

"Consider that a present from your Dad and Uncle Lexis. Better to get 'em done when they're young. He cried a little bit then didn't even care once I gave him a bottle." Dad said at the bottom of the stairs.

"He's only days old. He hasn't even had his first rounds of vaccinations." I said in disbelief.

"Shhh. It's all good, Joel." Uncle Lexis said.

"He does look pimpin' though." I said in between my small laughs. "I don't even want to look in the bags."

"There's a lot of shit. We had too much fun with Lil' T." Uncle Lexis said. "You have like no baby shit in this house, the fuck Joel? We had to hook you up. You're lucky I came down in Aunt Nelle Bells's old car. We have a lot of boxes to take out then build. We can't build now though." Uncle Lexis said.

"Wait why not?" Dad asked.

"I'm a lil' tipsy so we gon' have to wait a while but once I'm good, then we can start building shit- You know what, just call the family down. This whole 'secret Trell' ain't blowin' over too well."

"No. Don't tell anyone else. How late are y'all gonna be up? I need to get to bed." I yawned.

"We're gonna be up for a while. We'll see you in the morning." Dad said. I chucked up the deuces and retreated back to my room.

I closed the door behind me before slipping off my shirt and changing shorts. I took one last look at Trell, then crawled into bed.

~In The Morning~

I woke up and immediately went straight to Trell's crib.

He was gone.

I quickly got dressed and cleaned up, then headed downstairs. I saw Dad and Uncle Lexis building some contraption while Trell was in some kind of swing thing.

"Couldn't let me take care of my son?" I asked. I walked over to Trell and gave him a kiss on his soft cheek.

"We really wanted him down here." Dad said.

"What are you even building?" I walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"I'm not even sure. It looked bomb so I got it." Uncle Lexis said. I shook my head in disbelief. "I'm not even sure what it does."

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