Oh My...

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Blood Diamonds: Chapter 20

~Travie P.O.V.~
~The Next Morning~

I woke up and saw Charnae was fast asleep next to me. I let out a sigh and slid out of bed. All I could feel was guilt sitting heavily on my shoulders as I walked to the bathroom. I quietly closed the door and turned on the facet to let it run so it would turn warm. I looked in the mirror and I looked like I had aged by a few years too many.

I splashed the warm water on my face in hopes it would wash away the guilty years that were layered on my face.

I finished my general hygiene shit before I opened the door to see Charnae sitting at the edge of the bed with a smile on her face as she looked down at her phone.

"Mornin' Charnae." I said as I walked back into the room.

"Good Morning. How are you?" She asked still zoned into her phone.

"I'm alright. How are you?" I wasn't alright, I felt terrible in every which way possible. I was thinking about just telling her the honest truth.

"I'm pretty good. What are your plans today?" She set her phone down and looked over at me.

"I don't got any. What about you?"

"I thought maybe we could spend the day together and forget what happened last night?" I had sat down on the bed and she crawled over to me; gently pushing me back so I was laying on my pillows. She straddled me as she looked down at me with a soft small smile.

"Charnae I need to tell you something." I said with a heavy sigh.

~Charnae P.O.V.~

"Okay, tell me." He sat up and looked me deep in my eyes.

"Promise me you won't leave or yell. Just hear me out first." I already don't like where this is going.

"I make no promises but go on." I don't have to promise him anything.

"Alright while I was with Dontario there was a situation that went down." I gave him the 'go on' look. "Destiny, her friend, and I had been drinking and things got carried away too far." I already knew what he meant by that. I hopped off his lap and stood a good distance away from him.

"So it's fine for you to get involved in a threesome but it's okay because you were all drunk? Yet I can't hangout with Joel, even though I've never even as much as kissed the kid, I don't even have any feelings for him but you get pissed at me? Fuck you Travie." I flipped him off and headed downstairs.

"Charnae please-"

"Save all that bullshit Travie. I'm not going to put up with this. Call up Destiny and tell her you miss her and shit because I don't care. I want you to stay the hell away from me or I'll call the cops and get a restraining order against you." That was a bit too far but I'm talking solely out of anger and hurt.

I headed out the front door and started making my way to the apartment. I felt tears well in my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall freely. I felt a sort of pain in my heart that seemed to become more and more painful as I continued to process his words over and over in my head.

I could never understand the whole idea behind cheating. Why bother with being in a relationship with someone if there is even that slight chance you might end up chasing after another person? I had no problem with Travie having friends who were girls in the beginning but the whole Yvette situation made me hesitate a little bit when he was around girls and now this?

I thought he actually cared about me. I think back to that night when he came and got me and took me into his home when he barely even knew me, how he was so gentle, welcoming, and sweet. That was the Travie I missed. The Travie who tried so hard to bring me out of my depressed-like-state. That's the Travie I fell for, not the player version.

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