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It was a warm sunny day.

"Oh!! It feels so nice to watch this crystal clear blue sky.", I said to myself.

It was the first day of my high school.

We had a different color uniform for High school. I was eagerly waiting to wear it. When I woke up, I saw it on my table neatly ironed. My dad had ironed it for me. I saw the dress and looked outside. There stood my dad. He gave a bright smile which gave me confidence. I went to get ready for school.

After getting ready I went and stood in front of the mirror to see how my new dress was. I spent few minutes there and went out of room to see my mom. She was in the kitchen, busy cooking.

"Mom!! I'm ready for school!!" I said to my Mom.

She rushed out from the kitchen and looked at me with hint of surprise.

"I thought you would still be in bed!!", she teased me.

"Well!! Don't have too much expectations mom. It's just for one day..", I winked at her.

She smirked at me and went back to the kitchen.

My classes started and within 3 months my exams were on. I got good scores in all subjects except math. My mom started worrying about my scores in math. So she sent me to remedial class . 

I would say that was a golden period of my life. Because I again found many true friends in my remedial class. When I joined the class there were already a few students who joined before me.

There were two girls. Veena and Hasini. They became so close to me in a very short period.

One day I went late to the remedial class and there was no place near Veena and Hasini. So I went and sat near another girl in the class. I was busy chatting with her about some school stuff that I didn't notice that there was a new boy sitting near Hasini. After sometime I heard someone calling me.


It was Hasini.

"Heyyy!! Hii..", I replied.

"This is Dinesh!!", She introduced the new boy.

"Hi Dinesh..", I said to him.

"You will never stop talking uhh??", He asked.

I grinned cheekily and said "No!! I won't."

After the class got over I went outside. I saw Hasini and Dinesh waiting for me. They both became close friends in a short time.

"Why did you ask like that?", I asked Dinesh.

"Like what?", he asked.

"Like.. Whether I will stop talking or not", I said.

"Yaa.. From the time you stepped inside the class you were fully chatting with the girl next you. That why I asked like that", he said.

"Get lost!!", I said sarcastically.

As days passed by, we became close friends.

Dinesh, Hasini, Veena and I we became a team. Dinesh was the only guy in our gang. Dinesh and Hasini have literally the same character. They always tease me. Veena on the other hand is kind but a bit naughty. She came only for 3 to 4 days a week. But whenever she is there she used to join me in teasing Dinesh. Veena and I make a good team. Our ultimate target was to Dinesh. They were a funny lot and 2 hours felt like 2 minutes. I enjoyed so much that it became the first thing to pop to my mind when I wake up every day.

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