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Jiyong over slept again. He is rushing to wear his shirts and rushing to comb his hair. Lately, he always over slept as he always going to bed late at night. He is quite occupied with certain paperwork from the office, few Seunghyun's projects that he just took over, and he needs to follow Seunghyun for so many site visits. Jiyong is exposed further in handling the company and Seunghyun had taught him about many things and because of that, day by day Jiyong is more confident in handling things without Seunghyun's direct supervision.

The role has changed. For the last few weeks, Jiyong will be the one who always come back home late and Seunghyun will already be at home around 5pm but Seunghyun makes a limit for Jiyong as he must be at home around 730pm. Later than that, Seunghyun and the dongsaengs will come straight to office to pick him up and that already happened twice. As things changed, it already became a routine for them. If Seungri come home and he didn't see his eldest hyung, he will straightly call him and asked about his whereabouts. Seungri is totally spoiled by Seunghyun and now it's Jiyong's turn to be annoyed with that. As for cookings, Daesung already downgraded to chef assistant as everyone in the house including him favors foods made by Seunghyun himself.

Jiyong finally picking up his briefcase and walks out of his room and finds no one in the house as Seunghyun must already left for office, Daesung already went to his class and Seungri must have left for schools. When Jiyong walks down the stairs, he quite shocked seeing a maid is wiping the big glass window near the living room but he choose to ignore her. Why she came so early? Jiyong just walks straightly to dining table and as usual, there is already breakfast left for him. Seunghyun hyung must be in hurry. Just toast, scramble egg, sausage, ahhh what is this? Black coffee? Haisy. Jiyong just sits and pour his coffee to his cup. He then snaps a picture of his breakfast and sends it to Seunghyun with caption "What is this?"

Few seconds later a text came in and obviously it from his hyung.

"Just eat it! What is the time now that you are still leisurely at home eating breakfast?"

Jiyong chuckles at that text as he eats his toast and he replied the text afterwards.

"You didn't wake me up! Don't blame me. Breakfast is important, I can't skip that," Jiyong is smiling like a kid while typing his text. His hyung will be furious.


Jiyong's eyes widened reading the text and he tries his best to remember that incident but unfortunately he can't recall a bit.

"I don't remember hyung. Try harder next time," Jiyong is giggling. This is fun, picking a childish fight with Seunghyun as he noticed that his hyung lately is having a habit of nagging at them. It is a bit weird seeing Seunghyun nagging at them, scolds them like they are still kids but Jiyong thinks that is a funny kind of weirdness and the dongsaengs are happy with that habit.

Jiyong finally turn to look at the maid weirdly. Why is she keeps on wiping at the same area? She doesn't move much. His thought is interrupted with a text sound coming from Seunghyun. Jiyong looks at his phone back.

"Shut up! Just finish your foods and come to office immediately. I need to go somewhere else,"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Not your business,"

"We are running the same business hyung. Your business is my business,"

"Can you stop it? I'll slap you if I meet you,"

Jiyong finally lets out a laugh reading the text. His hyung's temper is really funny.

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