Chapter 28

35 3 0

January 24 2018
Miami, Florida
Summerella POV

As I watch Love & Hip Hop while eating my salad. I looked toward Rihanna. Her color came back but her movement was none. She still in a a coma after 21 days. Her friends and family come here every day give her flowers, teddy bears, and card. The only time I leave is to get some food or do hair. It's been hard but I manage to be by her side each and everyday. I looked toward her and kiss her lips softly. I grab her hand while I sat on the side of the bed.

"Do you ever want kids? I don't know why I just asked knowing you can't answer the question" I say ready to hear her heartwarming laugh but inside I got her monitor.

"I want kids in the future probably 2 or 4 I don't know yet but you bring a smile to my face 24/7 I don't want to let you go I......" I took a death breath while squeezing her hand a little and look down at the floor like she can see me.

"I ummm I love you Robyn" I say smiling. She squeezed my hand and I squeezed backed...... hold on did she squeeze my hand?????? I look up to see her eyes got a lustful look with a twinkle inside she blinked as a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away as she tried to talk I hurried and grab a ice cold cup of water with a straw and bent it to where she can drink. After 3 cups of water she begin to talk a little bit.

"Summer" I stop her while I got the nurse or doctor. After the doctor checked everything they said she can be released in 2 days and her healing will take 2 weeks. I sat back down with tears running down my cheeks it's not sad tears it's happy tears. She wiped them off as she begin to speech.

"Summer everyday since I was in a coma I heard your voice and the story's you told even the horny ones" I chuckle "but no matter what happened in the end rain or snow you still came to visit me and hold my hand, kiss my cheeks, and kiss my lips I really appreciate that. I just want you to know that you not alone, I love you" she say I started to break down with happy tears as I kiss her lips we break apart as the door open and in walked the Paris the nurse. She walked towards us.

"Rihanna it's good to see you awake but in 35 minutes I'm going to have to give you your pills okay?" She asked a sleepy Rihanna

"Yeah that's okay"

"Okay well you have visitors outside and they don't know you awake yet but when they come inside my I speak to summerella for a minute?" Rihanna was holding my waist looking at me thinking is she wanted to let me go.

"Okay" Rihanna finally say with a puppy dog face which made me chuckle. Paris went outside the room and told the visitors to come inside and in walked Tay Tay, Mimi, Shawna, CiCi, Johnny, and Bri. When they saw Rihanna eyes open and close they all ran to her and hugging and talking. They all notice Rihanna arms around my waist and decided to ask a question I guess they all been wanting to know.

"Do y'all go out?" Tell all asked at the same time.

"No" I said

"Not yet" Rihanna said. I looked at her while she had a smirk on her face.

"Oh really?" I asked Rihanna

"Yeah really" she say grabbing my butt a little. I chucked and push her away a little. I hopped of the bed and almost made it out the door before Rihanna called me.

"Summerella where you going without my smooch?" She asked with her arms crossed like a little baby. I made my way over there and gave her a quick pecked on the lips.

"Nope I wanted a longer and better one" she say I gave a long kiss. She licked my bottom asked for entrance but I denied. She pinched my butt which cause me to gasps and she took that as her opportunity to slide her tongue inside. We had a tongue battle until she won I moaned a little as the kiss got deeper until somebody pulled me off of her. Me and Rihanna looked at Mimi with a mug.

"We don't wanna see no real life porn" she say as I turned around about walk toward the door then Rihanna slapped my butt cause me to smile. I passed Mimi and said "pussy blocker" loud while everybody laughed except for me. I walked outside the room and sat next to Paris.

"Wassup?" I ask a nervous Paris

"Do you think that girl with the blonde curls is single?" She ask referring to CiCi.

"She actually is" she looked up at me with a slight smile on her face.

"Can you know try to hook a girl up?" She ask

"Actually we having a BBQ when Rih gets checked out, you can go and I can introduce you to her. That sounds cool?" She nodded her head while walking away after a nurse call for her. I walked back in the room to see all smiles even tears of joy from her parents. My phone buzzed causing me to take a glance at it.

*Unknown Number*
'If you think you have a chance with Rihanna it's over, GET READY FOR WAR BITCH, and tell rih I see you soon baby-Love Peach :*'

If it's not one thing it's another. I shook my head as a tear ran down my cheek I quickly wiped it off. I sat in a chair distant of myself. I guess Rihanna sense how off I was but decided to be against it. I love Rihanna deeply but this mess is out of control. I walked toward the bed and told Rihanna I be back tomorrow after noon since her friend wanted to stay the night she was against it but I think I need this time to think about the whole text I received. I got toward my mom house since the house I'm at is not safe. I took a shower and went to sleep with the text deeply on my mind.

•Yep there's another problem coming up but not a fast as you think ;)

•Remember 5-7 views for next chapter.

•I'm almost at a thousand views and 100 likes 😆

•I'm gone give y'all a name next chapter give suggestions!!!!

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