Yes, Alya ( 0.5/10 sin rating )

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"Hey. What's up?" Nino tried to make conversation with the ombre haired girl sitting beside him. "You are going to explain, Nino Lahiffe, about what you meant by you have a crush on me. " Alya scowls, crossing her arms across her chest as the cap-wearing DJ gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Well, I was going to say that I liked Marinette, but I chickened out and so... I told her that I was in love with you." Nino sheepishly replies, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "Hahaha oh my god, Nino, you scaredy cat. It's okay, I forgive you. By the way, where was Adrien?" Alya giggles, and Nino grins.

"Adrien, my man, was in a bush..."

"Watering it?"


"Taking a piss?"

"...Alya. No. He was coaching me on what to say."

"He did a terrible job."

"But he tried."

"What does Marinette see in him though?"

"Marinette likes him? Dude that's pretty interesting!"

"Yeah, she likes him so much she gets all eh ah eh ah around him if you haven't realised yet."

"Well, Adrien is a pretty decent guy. He's kinda innocent, but he has a great heart. He's always willing to help others. Do you have anyone you are interested in?"

"Well....Maybe. It's for me to know and you to find out!"

"Oh come on, Alya."

Alya gets up and runs to the side of the panther cage. Nino follows, putting a hand on the glass. "Looks like Ladybug's Cat is stuck in a tree. She should get him down. Oh my, what a savage giraffe!" Alya talks to herself, and Nino chuckles to himself at the side. "How cute..." He mutters and tries to hide the blush that was creeping up his face. "Did you say something?" Alya asks, turning around to face Nino, who had turned completely red. "N-no! Nothing! Hey do you wanna play a game?" Nino asks, desperate to change the subject. "Uh sure. Why not." Alya replies, sitting down beside Nino. "What do you have in mind?" Alya asks, leaning against Nino. "Well, we could play truth or dare if you like." Nino starts. "I'm in!" Alya smiles, and looks at Nino.

"Give me a Truth, Alya"

"Do you still like Marinette?"

"Not so much as before. I guess I was infatuated."

"Okay. Give me a Dare, DJ boy"

" I dare you to tell me your biggest secret."

"Well...My biggest secret is that I have a crush on a certain boy in class who is not Adrien."

"That's pretty cool! Ive never met a girl who is not charmed by his devilishly handsome features. Dare."

"Kiss me, Nino."

"Is that a dare?"

"Yes it is. Now shut up and kiss me."

"O-okay then."

Nino leans in, and tilts his head slightly as Alya blushes furiously, closing her eyes. This was it. Her adorable dorky excuse of a crush was going to finally kiss her after how many million hints. She was so excited -


"Nino...Take your cap off. It hit my face."

"Yes Alya."

"You know what? Take off your spectacles too. It's more intimate now."

"But I'm blind without -"

"Just do it, Nino."

"But I wanna see your pretty face..."

"Shut up and kiss me, Nino!"

Alya turned as red as the suit that Ladybug wore and Nino smirked.

"Score one for Nino! Whoohoo!"


"Yes Alya."

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