New Doctor

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You think, my last theories were crazy? Check out this one. ;-)

Instead of being Missy, Bill probably might be the new Doctor.

Wait what? WHAT?

- We know that Bill has no familiar background - right. Chameleon Arch blablabla, same like Missy-Theory (previous chap). 

- That one Dialogue, when Bill says to the Doctor: (...) "You could be my grandfather" (...) - "...your father!" (...) ---> it can therefore be concluded, that they're standing in a direct familiar/blood/generation/whatever-line 

- The Doctor cares for his future self, because he knows more, than we expect... of course the Master/Missy does... 

- Moffat brings back Simm-Master ---> years before he said, that he never would take him back to the Show... ---> LIAR! or FAKE NEWS? XD

- Chibnall reveals a female doctor ---> maybe LIAR or FAKE NEWS

- Pearl Mackie is not sure of being part of the show after series 10 ---> LIAR or FAKE NEWS 


That must be a paragraph in their employment contract ;-) Everything they say and public is a net of lies, to smash us little fansouls on the next wall in the end....

And the best proof is:

How Doctor Who's new companion Pearl Mackie is a perfect tribute to first ever Time Lord

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How Doctor Who's new companion Pearl Mackie is a perfect tribute to first ever Time Lord

IT'S been suggested that Bill, the new companion on Doctor Who played by Pearl Mackie, has been named after William Hartnell.

By PUBLISHED: 21:35, Sat, Apr 23, 2016 | UPDATED: 21:42, Sat, Apr 23, 2016

The late actor, known affectionately as Bill or Billy, was the first ever incarnation of Doctor Who, playing the Time Lord from 1963 to 1966.

As remembered by fan account The Doctor Who Bar, today is the anniversary of Hartnell's death - making the big reveal of companion Bill extra poignant.

"Announcement: Today is the Anniversary of the death of William Hartnell. Rest In Peace Bill. The Original Doctor Who," they tweeted.

Another fan tweeted: "William Hartnell... Bill Hartnell... #NewCompanion's name: Bill."

"William (Bill) Hartnell and William (Bill) Shakespeare passed on 23rd April, and the new companion is named Bill. Coincidence? #DoctorWho," wrote someone else.

"Bill as a tribute to the amazing Bill Hartnell is the sweetest thing," read yet another post.

Pearl said after the casting was revealed: "I'm incredibly excited to be joining the Doctor Who family.

"It's such an extraordinary British institution, I couldn't be prouder to call the Tardis my home.

"Peter Capaldi is such a brilliant actor, and his Doctor is such a wacky and wonderful character, I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for him and Bill throughout time and space."

Capaldi added: "It is a genuine delight to welcome Pearl Mackie to Doctor Who.

"A fine, fine actress with a wonderful zest and charm, she's a refreshing addition to the Tardis and will bring a universe of exciting new possibilities to The Doctor's adventures."

Doctor Who returns to BBC One later this year for a Christmas Special, with the next full series due to air in 2017.


Even her girlfriend from The pilot was called "Heather" like Hartnells wife....

Feel free to think  about that mind-blowing theory ;-)

Nice Weekend

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