1st July, 2017

33 4 1

Puh, that was yesterday. Yesterday was very wibbly wobbly and today... nah, don't think about it.

After spending two hours of helplessly crying after that finale, I went very defiant. 

And my thoughts are:

- Missy stands with the Doctor, when she follows Simm to prevent worse

- Missy might be a Master-Version far from the future with lots of regenerations between Simm and her... she knows how to act, because she have had all his memories...

---> but she said Simm will regenerate into her!!! 

HAHAHAHAHAHA.... of course... she always tells the truth.... right.....

- why have she cut herself? 

- remember that thing in series 9, when she was hit by the Daleks? Maybe something like that?

- when the Doctor can hold his regeneration back, why not the Master? Come on, Simm has NOT regenerated yet!!!!! This little pointy stick.... pfffft.....

- remember, when Nardole brings River's diary? And probably saved Missy from her execution? I'm very sure, that sweet River holds some strings in her hands... perhaps she met Missy or the Master once upon a time? 

- Nardole .... who is he really? 

- Missy told Clara in series 9 about a daughter.... O_O 

LOOOOOOOOOOOOTS of thoughts and questions.... my head explodes until Christmas....

what do you think? have you any further ideas?

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