First Times.

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| First times |


The very first time Zayn saw Niall, was also the very first time he heard him.
Outside the X-Factor building a group of candidates were sitting around a short blond with a guitar on his lap and Baby by Justin Bieber on his lips. Zayn raised an eye-brow, watching from afar. The blond boy was cute with his more-than-obvious-dyed hair and a sweet voice. After a few minutes of watching him, Zayn leaned against the doorframe, fumbling with his fingers. And then the blond grinned at some boy to his right, raising his head after, going for the rap part in the song. The group around him cheered him on and his glance slipped over over to Zayn, who was still leaning in the door, worrying his brain about what was still to come. And just for a few moments their glances met. And that's when someone ran into him.

Not to forget that was also the first time Zayn met Liam.

“Sorry, mate!” was what he heard when he turned around, looking into a pair of brown eyes. “Uh, no problem,” Zayn stuttered out, just because he was a bit surprised. Liam smiled at him, “I'm Liam. You're Zayn, right? I heard you sing, you're really good!” “Thanks, um,” he replied, smiling shyly. He wasn't used to getting compliments. “You wanna come with me to the others?” “Nah, I'm good.” Zayn wasn't one to open up easily, he liked to keep to himself and let others speak.
Liam nodded at him once, before walking away.

About a week later, at bootcamp, was when Zayn spoke to Niall for the first time.
Weird to think that they hadn't stumbled over each other in one week, but Zayn was hanging out with Liam and a few other people and whenever Zayn saw Niall in the halls he didn't have the guts to talk to him. Mostly though, he was busy with learning the choreography. “I can't dance!” he said to Liam and ran a hand over his face to fight the frown that was about to show. “C'mon, you can do it,” Liam tried, but Zayn wasn't listening, already turning and leaving the room.
He sat down and picked up a bottle of water, when he noticed that cameras were following him. Immediately, Zayn cringed, turning his head away and taking a sip. But the cameras didn't stick to their guns. “I just can't dance, alright! I can't,” he groaned and after a few more minutes of him being passive, he was alone again. Tears built up in his eyes. He didn't like all this attention. It was all just too much.

And then someone walked in. A certain blond boy peaked in and Zayn sniffled some. He turned his head away, before he ccould really see who it was, not wanting anyone to see him like that. Apparently, the blond boy was searching for something in his bag. After a few more rustles it was silent again and Zayn let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
“You alright?” he suddenly heard, tilting his head to the side. And that was when he recognised him.
Zayn cleared his throat, “Yeah.” But it still came out breathless and pitched, because he was trying his best  not to cry. The blond boy frowned, taking a few steps closer. “Are you sure? ‘Cause you seem quite down,” he questioned and Zayn shrugged, “I don't even know, man. All this choreography stuff.” “Yeah, you're shit at dancing, mate.” And Zayn laughed and then the boy laughed and Zayn instantly felt like he could breathe again.
“ ‘m Niall, by the way.” “Zayn.” They both smiled at each other and suddenly everything was just too bright for his eyes. Niall's smile and his eyes and his hair and just Niall in general, really.
The blond boy pats Zayn on the back, “No, but seriously, I think you can do it. It's just in the beginning, trust me.” Zayn smiled shyly at him and it seemed as if it wasn't that hard to handle the cameras around him anymore.

The first time Zayn and Niall got close was after they were formed to a band. It all started with one of those afternoons were all of them were swimming — or standing, if you ask Zayn — in the pool in Harry's bungalow and Harry decided to take off his pants. Niall was laughing his head off and Zayn just shrugged it off like it was no big deal, like he got to see another boy's dick every day.
The thing was that all of them — Liam, Niall, Louis, Harry and Zayn — were already pretty close when they became a band. Louis and Harry had met in the X-Factor's restrooms and Liam and Zayn were friends before, too. And then there was also Zayn and Niall, which had started a friendship, as well. So, it was really not that big of a deal. Of course, all of them were excited, but as a band and not as individual people.

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