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It was another day. It was another winter. The ground was cold under my bare feet. I picked up the basket of clothing that needed to be washed. I went into the backyard where our family well was and I began to haul up a bucket of water. This time I knew where Liam and Deni went. They had gone hunting for something to eat. It was another day. As I got the bucket to the platform, I began to wash the clothes. I took out a bar of soap from my pocket. I smelled it. There was no scent.

As I washed the soaked clothes, I heard laughing. I saw Deni and Liam. I stopped washing and ran up to the gate of our home. Once I touched the gate my once smile turned into a frown.

“Where’s the food...and why are you two covered in blood?” I stood waiting for an answer. Deni and Liam just stared at me with wide eyes.

“We couldn’t find any deer.” Deni finally spoke out.

The next question was stuck in my throat, “Why are you covered in blood then?” I finally choked out.

Liam rubbed his eyes with the hand not carrying the blood splattered weapons, “Emeli...”

“Answer my goddamn question Liam!” I stammered.

Deni answered this time, “It’s not what it looks like Emeli.” He put his hand on the fence, “We were defending ourselves.”

“You were laughing.” I felt a tear slowly come down my face, “You were laughing Liam!”

They were speechless. They knew what I had accused them of. Now I could feel the tears. They came down my face in two small little streams. I couldn’t believe what just happened.

“Emeli, don’t look at us like we’re monsters.” Liam went for my shoulder.

“Don’t you dare touch me.” I violently moved my shoulder back, “You killed someone Liam. You and Deni. I won’t be surprised when someone comes to our door and kills you.”

I ran up to the well. I flung the dirty clothes in the air. I grabbed the unscented soap and stormed in the house.  I ran into my room and slammed the door. I locked the latch by tying a piece of fabric onto it. Kount was still sleeping in his bed when I looked over at him. Poor Kount. I thought. He has to live in this house. A house where his owners are either homicidal or hermits. I went over to Kount’s bed and sat next to him. His big pug eyes opened to look at me. I grabbed him and held him in my arms.

“Kount, you’re the only one I trust right now.” I said kissing his small forehead. He was so warm in my hands. I decided to untie the latch and open the door. The infront of me was Deni.

“Can we talk Emeli.” He lowered his raised hand in which he had been meaning to knock on the door with. I took Kount into the living room and sat on the floor.

“What could there be to discuss?” I said trying not to get aggravated so easily.

“We’re not savages Emeli.” Deni said, “We didn’t want you to see us like that.” At this point Liam made his way into the room and stood next to Deni.

“So why did you kill whoever know.” I looked down at Kount. I heard a sigh but after that lay silence.

“He was homeless.” Liam bursted out, “He was dying anyway.” I looked up at him but he didn’t bother to look me in the eyes.

“He was ill and we were just helping him.” Deni added.

“In what way did you help him?” I got up, “You killed a man who didn’t want to die. He had a right to live. You’re just as senseless as the rest of the people here.” Before I let them speak, I ran back into my room and tied the latch shut again. I knew this home was no place for me and Kount. I knew we had to leave. I grabbed my knapsack from my closet and threw anything I could in there. I threw clothing, some treats for Kount and other useless junk. I buckled my knapsack and quietly and slowly unhinged the latch to the door. I noticed that Liam and Deni were in their rooms. I snuck past and went to the front door. I snapped each of the locks to the door and unlocked it turning the knob quickly and easily. Before I was able to put my foot past the threshold Liam came into the living room.

“Emeli, where are you going?” He crossed his arms.

I didn’t bother saying anything. I just ran. I ran out the door, through the gate, down the street. I kept running until I was far away from the house. Until I was too tired to go any farther. I stopped when my legs were numb and my heart was thumping out of my chest. I put my hands on my knees and gasped for air. Kount pounced upon me and tried to hug me once more. I shooed him away and fell to the ground. My lungs were burning and my legs were lifeless. Kount licked my face multiple times in hope that I would get up again. All I could do was lay. I couldn’t feel my legs and I couldn’t breath. This is why I didn’t go outside. This is why I felt safe back at home.

When I finally was able to breath again, I sat up and held Kount in my hand. It was now darker outside than it was when I first ran away. The smog clouds traveled over the moon and blocked it. I struggled to get up, trying to wake my sleepy legs again. Once I got up, I began to limp down yet another street. Kount followed in front as if guarding me.

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