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The walk to the helicoter was the worst two minutes of my life. Once the doors opened, I saw the crowd who had gathered around the helicopter. They were young and old. Dirty and clean. Ugly and beautiful. They stared at Jori and I as we made our way into the Town Square.

Among the crowd I found two faces I had dreaded to see, Deni and Liam. At first, they didn't notice me. Their faces were similar to the others. They had disgust and possible jealousy for us since we had been chosen. They saw our faces and rolled their eyes. They were probably wondering, Why them? Out of the rest of us, they were picked? They don't even deserve it! When they finally recognized me, they shoved their way to the front of the crowd. Immediately two guards came to them and pushed them back with the rest of the people. Deni shoved and fought to get to me. I was hesitant to walk past at first. I couldn't. My legs were fixed in a position that made it hard to do anything. Seeing Deni made my limbs numb and my heart ache.

I finally started to move once the guard gave me a small nudge. I stumbled at first. I kept my eyes on the helicopter trying not to make eye contact with Deni nor Liam.

"Emeli! Emeli! Where are you going?" Deni yelled for me. I could still hear him fighting to get out of the guard's grasp. I still kept my eyes on the helicopter. Just look forward. Look forward.

I was just about to pass Liam, who wasn't fighting the guards. He just stood there. This time I looked up. I looked him directly in the eyes. He had a slight smirk as he looked at me.

"Emeli, don't come back." He said quietly, "Never come back." I saw a tear roll down his face.

I wanted to run up to him. I wanted to hug him as tightly as I could. Even tighter than any of the other hugs. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and stay with him. The two of them. I knew that they were monsters but they were my monsters. They were my everything. I knew that getting on that helicopter I would never come back to Malofic. I would never see Liam or Deni ever again. I wouldn't see any of them.

I turned and kept walking. My eyes were flooding as I stepped into the copter. I wiped my eyes so Mr. Leachet wouldn't notice. Jori stepped in as well and laughed as we lifted from the ground.

"What's so funny?" I said getting aggravated.

"Nothing." He said with a smirk, "You know how it is with family reunions."

I wanted to reach across and punch him right in his face. How dare he? There was no reason to laugh. There was no joke. I was leaving my family and he was sitting in one of the seats in the goddamn plane laughing. I decided that I couldn't smack him. It would give President Leachet a bad image of me. I didn't want that. I sat silently in the plane until we landed.

The helicopter ride to the airport was calm and quiet. The view of Malofic above ground was surprisingly beautiful. It was a side of Malofic I had never see before. All I had ever known was the poverty and the dirt and death. I found this view very majestic, even when the smog clouds blocked my view of the ground below.

As the helicopter touched down and we exited, I saw the airport. It was old. It's building was ramshackled and seemed to have been unkept for a while. It seemed to have not been used in a very long time which didn't surprise me, after all we were in Malofic. We made our way to the front entrance, which seemed to be missing its door which fell of its hinges. I could hear the other twelve kids. Their voices ranged from high-pitched squeaks to low muffled murmurs. We entered and saw the twelve kids sitting around a confrence table conversing with one another.

I looked to my side and saw Jori already running to a group of boys. He was making friends why don't I? I walked over to one of the empty chairs next to a group of girls. I sat down in the leather chair which made an awkward sound. The girls on both sides of me looked over and laughed. They then took their things and moved away.

I put my head in my hands and sighed. Okay, so I guess he's got me beat on that. I mean I wasn't upset. I knew that most of these kids were total douche bags. I was just happy to be getting out of Malofic. I was ready to leave. I was ready to explore. I wanted to do so much.

After what seemed to be forever, Mr. Leachet and his five body guards came into the confrence room. The children who had been loud and rowdy before, silenced and sat in the seats closest to them.

"Hello children." His voice seemed deeper than before, 'The Dimension Transporter is waiting outside."

The kids all stood up and ran for the door. I ran as well. You can't blame me. I wanted to see the DT. It was exciting. When I finally got outside, there it was. It was already fired up and waiting for it's passengers. The DT was a huge ship. It could have probably fit half of the citizens of Malofic in it. The door to the DT opened. It was like one of those doors you'd see in a spaceship. Once the door fully opened, Mr. Leachet and his body guards walked in and the kids ran in after him.

I got to say, the DT was beautifully decorated for a transporter from Malofic. There were pictures that lined the main hallway. They were abstract painting that seemed to have some message but I couldn't put my finger on it.

A guard stopped us in one of the hallways and took out a notepad. He began to read off pairs of names. The names were the kids'. Each pair was escorted to a room. When my name was finally called I stepped up. I then heard Jori's name. To myself I thought, You got to be kidding me. I rolled my eyes and followed the guard to the room not looking at Jori.

Once we got to the room, the first thing I noticed was the big ceiling to floor window that was at the end of the room. I ran to the bed that was on the far side of the bedroom near the window. I jumped on it and felt the covers. It was so soft. I wanted to be buried in that fabric.

I sat up and looked over at Jori, "It's a shame. Why is the sleeping arrangement co-ed?"

He looked over at me and laughed, "Because I want to spend all night with you!"

"Save your breath. I know you don't care for me. I saw it from the minute you met me." I looked out the window and saw the engines on the DT rev up, "Don't play Mr.Nice Guy."

Jori sat down on the bed parallel to mine, "Just act like I'm not even here, okay?"

I nodded still looking out the window. After that, I looked around my side of the room. There were more weird paintings with some kind of meaning, a chest, a beautiful wood-framed mirror and a dresser.

I made my way over to the dresser and opened it slowly. Inside was neatly folded clothing. On top of the clothes was a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I smiled because I had never had more than one pair of pants.

I got curious and went into the bathroom. I turned on the lights and the room illuminated. The bathroom had white marble tiles on both the walls and the floor. On the countertop near the sink was a blow dryer, two brushes, a couple of towels and soaps for hair and body.

I made my way back into the bedroom ignoring Jori. I sat back down on the bed with my arms gliding across the bedspread.

After we had gotten ourselves acquainted, a voice on the inter com spoke to us and to the other twelve kids.

"Good Afternoon. We will now be departing from Malofic to Mesofic. The transportation will be five hours long." The speaker paused for a moment, "On that note, in the cafeteria food is being served. Please come down and eat."

I looked at Jori who had already been looking at me. We then both turned are heads to the door that separated us from the hallway. We ran to the door and made our way out and down the hallway. I ran down the stairs and into the cafeteria

The first thing that hit me was the smell. I smelled all types of sweet and savory scents. I grabbed my tray and piled my plate high.

I sat down at the nearest seat and stuffed my mouth with ten different types of food at the same time. I couldn't contain my ferociousness. I kept digging and digging until my plate was emptied and I was satisfied. I couldn't have told you what it felt like to have a full stomach before that dinner.

I went back to the bedroom and got ready for bed. I took another warm shower. This time the smell was more of a citrus scent. I brushed my teeth and put on the silk pajamas that Mr. Leachet had provided for all of the kids. I tucked myself into the comfortable sheets and fell asleep instantly. I couldn't tell you how nice it felt to sleep in that bed.

I wanted to lay there forever. I couldn't wait to get to the other dimensions. I couldn't wait for Benofic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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