Results Contest #1

417 17 9

Results are in!!! This was extremely hard and for the ones that didn't get placed, please do not be discouraged. Just because you didn't place doesn't mean your poem wasn't good or you're not a good writer. Keep on writing!

3rd place: FlapJack_is_me

When it's dark and damp
Let me be your lamp

When you feel wrong
I'll be your song

When it's night
And nothings right
Let me be your light

So when you're on the verge of tears
Let me be your happy years

For one day you'll miss
Someone to kiss

Comment: I loved it, it was beautiful, short, simple, and afterwards it left me with this warm feeling. It was perfect.

2ncd place: FantaStickly

Sinking, sinking,
Forever sinking,
Slowly waves caress my heels.
Walking, walking,
Swiftly walking,
Forcing my soul to feel.

My dark hair drifts in silent breeze,
Currents swirl about my shins.
Like grasping wraiths
across my face,
Each strand marks one of my sins.

Round my waist the coldness beckons,
Inviting me to bow my head.
But forward, forward I endure
Though my heart beat, I am dead

To my shoulders now
I sink,
How the chill takes my breath away.
Light behind me,
Death before me,
As I fall to silent spray

Closer, darkness slowly comes
Till I can see sky no more,
Breath is hard to come, my muscles weaken
Drifting away from life's painful shore.

Oh, the cruel whip
That kills,
I feel it's pain, a scarlet ray.
And quietly, my sombre eye
Sheds tears for a forgotten day.

Comment: It definitely had that dark mournful mood to it. What I really loved about it was all the details in it. I could visualize every line in your poem. Great job, awesome writer.

3rd place: LeafETree

When the full moon is bright,

Like it is tonight

When the shadowed hills are aglow

Then if the northern wind gently blows

You can look 'cross the hills at a willow tree

And see what remains of the home of a queen

Perhaps if the wind dies down, dies down

You'll even hear a ghostly sound.

Tis the mournful song of the spirit queen

As she roams the halls and sings:

'Husband lost,
Daughter gone,

Only I am left with my song

To remember all that is gone,

Gone forever more.'

The floors of the castle are made of stone,

The floors she she wanders all alone.

Her gossamer feet make no sound,

Behind her's the train of her pale, white gown.

Her hair once was dark, but now is faint;

Her soul is as caring as that of a saint

So why, oh why does she endlessly roam

The ancient halls of her castle home?

Just listen close to the mournful song of the spirit queen,

Listen she she roams and sings

'Husband lost,
Remembrance dim,

Forever more, I search for him.

He who is eternally gone,

Gone forever more.'

Upon the walls are tapestries.

Each depicting a girl and a King.

Each one hangs weary with years of dust

As the queen looks upon it, She resolves she must

Never stop searching for her family

The family knows.
Once more she'll see.

She'd look for 100,
Looked for 1,000 years
In the hills in her home.

And that is why she forever roams.

Hear the sad cry of the spirit queen,

As she roams the valleys and sings:

'Daughter gone,
Forever more,

She who I search for!

She who is lost, she who is gone,

Gone forever more!'

Into the valleys, out of the halls,

The spirit queen
Continues to call

Up and down the moonlit hills,

Where the northern wind lays still

To aid the queen in her eternal rest.

So if you're quiet, ever so quiet, you may hear the tune of the spirit queen as she sings in the light of the moon

'Tis the mournful song of the spirit queen

As she roams the halls and sings:

'Husband lost,
Daughter gone,

Forever to them, I sing my song

To know they're not forever gone

Gone forever more.'

Comment: This was definitely WAY TOO long, but it was amazing. You were the first person to enter and I remember reading and thinking dang, this is good. It captured the dark mood and gloomy. It felt like I was watching a movie or reading a horror book. I visualize the queen as she roams the halls and sings. Picture the castle and the outside, just well done.

Honorable Mentions:

Extra Honorable Mentions:

Honorable Mentions are for people who went above and beyond, or were close runners Thank you truly.

Winners Pm stuff for your prizes

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