Results Contest #6

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What time is it?! Its results time! I know I'm punny :) Here to tell you who placed in this month's contest. This theme was time and you guys delivered once again with some bitter sweet poems. Lets see who placed!

In 3rd Place...
Username: MeiBoi

Tell me what is time to you, is it the ticking of the clock?

The wrinkles of one's flesh, or pause in one's thoughts.Tell me what I do not know, what I have come to find.We talk so much about it, yet lack the words to define.Through it what is gained, through it what is lost?A treasure without price, yet a beauty that can cost.

Comment: I loved how you painted the bitter sweetness of time. You portrayed it very nicely and I think it was short and sweet and just enough deepness to it.

In 2nd Place
Username: QueenMelody16

Please give me time, give me space

Give me a few desolate days I'll mend my broken shell and fix my dented pride, I'll think it through, and forget a part of me died

Please give me freedom, leave me in my sorrows, Give me the time that I can't borrow I'll dry away my tears and boost my self esteem,

I'll go back to normal, cool off some steam

Please leave me be, let me drown in my tears, Don't intensify the grieving that's brought me here

Please give me time, just give me space, Don't expect me to heal within just a few days

Comment: I just loved it! Nothing really to say.

1st Place
Username: TylaStone

I feel it in our goodbye,

I see it in your eyes,

You've taken time for granted,

And even so have I

Darling we're liars,

Because you said you'd never cry,

And I?

Well, I said you wouldn't die

But time can't wait,

And the clock will go on,

Even your heart does not,

Time will send us along

Life is too short,

To ever hesitate,

I should've told you I cared,

Before it was too late.

Comment: I liked the bitter ending and the figurative language you used. Great writing and poem.

Honorable Mentions:


Extra Honorable Mentions:


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