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So's finally time....for the LAST chapter of Fallen In Love!!
I never thought in a million years I would have written a fan-fiction book, and had 8,000 people read it, that is absolutely incredible. I would especially like to thank Elliecat123, Courtney-Jessie, GeorgeShelleysgirl, Vampette_Brad and Ilovebunnyrabbit, for their support, and also thank-you anybody else who have feedback or commented. The sequel will be called...Finding You Was So Hard ~ which was suggested by JessicaUJWorld! Well done, you shall be featured in the book, as your idea is going to be the actual name of the book. Anyways on to the chapter!
I WARN YOU ~ This chapter may be sad, or confusing, but everything will be explained/continued in the sequel

Josh's POV

As hard as it was, I knew what I had to do.

Rachel walked back in a smirk on her face, and slammed the door behind her, which made Daisy jump and George quickly put his arms around her to protect her. They were so in love, and, although I had Nicola, I still felt as though George and Daisy cared for each other more than any other couple did.

Recently Nicola and I had been arguing, I hadn't told anyone, as it was just silly arguments, but even so we kept arguing and we never used to. For some reason I had a feeling something was bothering her....

Rachel coughed loudly and me, George and Daisy were all interrupted from our own conversations from within our heads. George glanced over at me nervously, still holding a bewildered Daisy, who was unsure of what was going on.

George's POV

I really wanted Josh to chose Daisy, I had got away from Rachel once, so I had a chance of getting away a second time, but poor Daisy wouldn't stand a chance. I had a feeling though Josh wouldn't choose either of us, would do something stupid like pay tons of money he doesn't have to save us both. But what happened next I didn't expect, infact it made me realise how much I love Josh.

Josh's POV

Rachel coughed again and then spoke to me "Josh who do you choose" she said sharply, spitting her words in my face. I opened my mouth to speak but then I heard a mumble "take George, leave me" and I realised it was Daisy speaking, George looked angry and nudged her to shut up. They both wanted me to save the other person, which shows how much they both care and need each other. Then George spoke "don't do anything stupid" he said through gritted teeth and I could tell that it was directed at me. "SHUT UP" Rachel screamed, "OR NONE OF YOU WILL BE LET OUT"


So she did mean whoever I don't pick would get killed. That made my choice even simpler. "I'm going to save..." I stuttered "both of them, take me instead"

Rachel laughed. "That wasn't Really an option, but if your willing to give up your life then that's up to you." Rachel called in on of her friends who made George and Daisy leave, although both left kicking and screaming, and Daisy was crying her eyes out. Now it was just Rachel and I...

George's POV

I couldn't believe what Josh had just done for us, he gave his life up. I wanted to run back in the room and take his place, but I was weak and couldn't take on Josh, let alone take on Rachel, and Josh is the person who once he's made up his mind, isn't going to change his mind. Daisy lay sobbing on my chest as we waited for someone to let us out of the house. "George please let this be a nightmare" Daisy weeped, but sadly I didn't think it was.

Another guy came out to where we were laying, and in his hand he was holding a key. He told us we could leave but said we must not breath a word about Josh being here otherwise we would be 'deadmeat' and you could tell he meant it. I carried Daisy bridal style in my arms outside a walked a few paces, nearby was a large bush, which we could easily hid in, and see when someone went in and out of the house.

I felt a sharp stabbing pain through my heart, thinking that Josh was inside the house, suffering for my life. A tear rolled down my cheek and dripped onto the ground. Daisy nuzzled closer to me and we sat, both in silence, crying our eyes out.

I felt my coat pockets to see if I had my phone, and luckily, in a very secret pocket, I had my old phone. My iPhone had been taken off me, but at least I still had contact. I rang JJ and told him where we were and about Josh, I didn't care what the guy said, we needed the police here. JJ burst into tears but said that him, Maeve, Jaymi, Olly and Nicola would be with us as soon as they could.

I felt a wave of relief pass through me when I hung up, because I knew that help was coming. I still felt incredibly guilty about Josh though.

Josh's POV

I noticed something glinting in the suns light in the corner of the room, a knife. Rachel really was a horrible creature, hurting George and Daisy. But they were safe now, and I knew George would look after Daisy, he really cared for her. You could see it in his eyes every time he looked at her. Or the way he smiled when she hugged him. They were a match made in heaven.

I was so lost, thinking about George and Daisy that I didn't notice Rachel go over and grab the knife before I could and use it in my defence. Suddenly she was standing in front of me and I knew I only had minutes of my life left. "Well Josh" Rachel sneered. "You chose to save your sappy friends over yourself, and now it's time to pay the price" Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side, and clutched hold of my side in agony. I felt my hand get covered in blood, and I dropped to the floor and blacked out...

George's POV

There had been no sound from the house, but all of a sudden there was a huge commotion. Rachel and her two 'friends' came rushing out the house, left it unlocked and bolted down the street. Minutes later a police car pulled up and Jaymi, Olly, JJ, Nicola and Maeve all were behind in Jaymis car. I ran over and sobbed into Jaymis arms and explained how Josh had let us go free, but Rachel had him in her grasp. Burley policemen were entering the house, but we were instructed to stay outside. Another police car had gone after Rachel and her mates, and I'm sure they wouldn't last on the run for very long. A few minutes after the policemen ventured inside the house, one of them came out. Calmly he called a number and asked for paramedics and an ambulance. Nicola started to cry and rushed over to Maeve, who engulfed her in a hug.

The policeman looked over at us and said "Josh has been stabbed, he is still alive but we need to get him into hospital as soon as we can, only time will tell if he can survive"

With that everyone burst into tears. Through the past few weeks someone had stayed strong for the rest of the group but this time no-one could manage to stay strong. In the distance I heard sirens, which gradually got nearer. The ambulance pulled onto the driveway of the house and the paramedics rushed into the house with the police.

About five minutes later the brought out an extremely pale looking Josh. He had clearly lost an awful lot of blood and was extremely weak. His breathing was short and his eyes were softly closed. Quickly the paramedics put him onto oxygen and rushed him away to hospital, of course we all followed.

After what seemed like a life time we reached the hospital, right behind the ambulance. Josh was rushed into the emergency section. Nicola rushed ahead but was stopped when Josh was put into an intensive care room. She broke down into tears on the floor. None of us could bear to live without Josh. None of us.

So that's the end of fallen in love. I'm sorry of that wasn't the happiest ending but the sequel will be happier. Thank-you all so much for the support

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