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Louis was going through a hard time in college, we all do right?

Well, this particular night was filled with anxiety and anger he wanted to smash someone's car with a brick.  He wanted to get out of this party but he was trapped, people pushing him, the smell of alcohol he wanted it all to go away, he was going to be sick if he didn't get out of here soon.  The room was really spinning and Louis was getting worried, he had to find his friend, his only friend here.  He quickly found a way down the hall and into a bedroom where he saw his friend against the wall making out with some chick.

But something was definitely wrong, it wasn't about them, no.  Louis felt a very weird tingle in his spine.  He could barely hear his friend, Allen, trying to push him out of the room.  His legs felt like jello and collapsed on the floor in the hallway, he wasn't unconscious yet.  He started violently shaking, he couldn't breathe, he tried to call out Allen who was on the floor on his knees yelling to get Louis attention to see if he was okay.  Sure enough, he wasn't,  Louis coughed and he heard gasps from Allen and his girl.  He looked and saw there was blood everywhere.  He kept shaking, he couldn't stop.  Allen tried holding him still but there was no use.  Louis was small but in this situation, no one could stop him shaking.  Thank god the last thing he saw before he blacked out was the chick calling for help.

There should be noise, he thought, in this ridiculous hospital room, there should be monitors going crazy, he should be able to hear the nurses shouting at each other.  But he couldn't.  Everything felt numb and useless even though he was shaking,  he wanted to cry but he couldn't, he couldn't do anything but lay there wondering why his body was doing this.  He could only move his eyes and look at the nurse pushing a needle in his arm.  He was still shaking but it slowed down.  Thank God.  He looked at the nurse and she looked at him sadly.  Well, that wasn't a good look was it.  She said something, it looked like it was supposed to be calming.  He wishes he could nod or at least say something.  He wanted to cry and shout.  Something inside him was preventing him to and it frustrated him so much.  

He was confused when the three nurses left.  He was cold, dizzy and nauseous.  It was a bit too much and he couldn't control it, he throws up everywhere, there was more coming when someone came rushing in trying to help the poor boy.

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