Shadow in the Darkness

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The monster dropped down the ground. It catches a scent. A beautiful scent of prey. A fish, a dog, and a cat. Smells tasty indeed. It walked slowly closer to the three.

"RUN!" Cat shouted

The monster tried to pounce at the three, but it was no success because they move too fast. It tried again, and again, and again.

"Whew! Good thing this one's slow." Dog said

The monster clamped it's tail to the ground.

"GO TO IT'S SIDE! NOW!" Puff warned

There was a strong crackle of lightning that filled the cave, and the mouth of the monster. It released three blasts of lightning on the ground.

"So that's how it gets it's power. Slice the tail!" Cat shouted

"It's no use." Puff replied

"Why? It's skin is soft. Your hatchet should be enough to slice the tail." Cat said

Puff knew Cat won't believe to him unless she saws the actual thing. Using the small hatchet he created earlier, he jumped slahed at the tail, and the stone was smashed into bits and piece.

"See? Now I have no means of defense."


"How about the wings?" Dog asked

Cat drew a shot, and aimed at the wings. The arrow bounced off like it was blunt.


The monster jumped and clinged to the ceiling.

It moved at a very fast pace and got directly over the three in no time. The three split up.

The monster jumped back down. It missed.

The tail clinged on the ground. It's mouth is trying to charge up a lightning stronger than the vilest storms. It spitted the lightning and it spread up to three. It hit someone.

"GGAAHHH!!!" and Cat fell down, paralyzed.

"CAAAAAT! NNOOOOO!!" Dog shouted

Puff carried Cat's body and Dog tried to strike a hit.

"THIS! IS! FOR! CAT!" Dog managed to hit the head

The monster bent down and protected itself by lightning. Good thing Puff pulled Dog away before she was electrocuted.

"RUN!" Puff shouted so loud that

"It's Puff!" Snow exclaimed "In here!"

Parrot saw a flashed of light and cracklings of thunder just behind the wall.

It was them. As soon as Panda caught a glimpse of Cat's paralyzed body, he helped Puff and tried to retreat first so that they can plan their moves. Parrot is terrified once again.

"Wh-what happened?" Parrot asked

"She was hit by it's lightning spit. She's paralyzed. She will be recovered, but it will take overnight." Puff said

"Okay, Parrot, you guard Cat. You're with Dog at the backup. We three will be trying to annoy and repel the beast. Puff, try to create a simple weapon. First, state everything you know." Panda instructed

Parrot managed to breath freely.

"The wings and the tail is rock hard. The softest part is it's body and head. It can shoot lightning in three spreading ways, and it can cover itself in lightning and pounce you. If you are either hit, you'll be paralyzed. It can cling into ceiling and ambush it's victims from above. It's primary source of power is the tail. It's skin is damp, so maybe it's weak to fire." Puff said

"Parrot, there's only one thing we can do: Find out how to activate your weapon." Dog replied

As soon as the three charged into combat, Parrot stared at her unsheathed sword.

It needs power.

Power? What kind of power? Energy? Lightning can only produce such energy but...

"Dog, stay here. Heal her. You have healing powers." Parrot said before following the others


It's no use. She can't be stopped. I need to support them, but I can't leave Cat here alone. Sorry Cat, but you need to wait.

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