Chapter 1

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"Lauren, get up and help your sister get ready for school!" I heard my mother yell from the kitchen..
"Why cant you help her!" I hollered back at her..
"Because im paying for the 1 thing you love!!!" She replies talking about my Iphone... She's got a point...

"Lily Get up!!!" I yelled from my room to hers..
"Im already up you lazy bum!" She told me... She has the best comebacks.. God.. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and look at the clock.

"FUCK! IM GONNA BE LATE!" I yelled as my mom laughed! I rushed to the shower and turn it on.. I hopped in and realized I still had my clothes on.. I yelled a few colorful words as I took them off and threw them to nowhere in particular....

I got out and dried myself off...... I went to my closet and decided on some white skinny jeans with a gold infinity shirt with some black Jordans.. I started singing.
"J'S ON MY FEET! SO GET LIKE ME!!" I sang and my sister with her pleasant self yelled.
"LAUREN SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Well then.. I straightened my hair and ran down stairs... I saw my mom laughing and my sister still in her pajamas....
"What the crap? Why are you laughing and why are you not dresses it's-" I said looking at the stove.. It's 7:15.
"You messed my clock up so I would get up on time didn't you?" I asked impressed.
"Yup! Your sister wants you to do her hair....Will you please do it for her?"
"Im in a good mood so sure.. Come on Lily!" I told her. Our bond is closer than anything..

I picked her out some red skinny jeans and a black crop top with a white tank top on under. My sisters 13 so she cant really expose herself... I sat her down in my room in front of my mirror where my curling iron, straightener, hair products and all that is... I gently combed her hair out.. Her hair is really long like mine.. Except she has our moms hair I have our dads hair.. I part her hair and begin to do a waterfall braid... After I get it to the back of her head I put an elastic on it and start to curl it.. After 20 minutes she's finally done so I grab out stuff and we walk out the door... I walk her everyday just because her school is like 5 miuntes away from mine....

After I drop her off I get a text from my dad.

' Hey Hun! Have a good day at school! I have exciting news when you and Lily get home :)' My dads been dating a woman named Karen... I was told she has a son but I never met him..

' Hi! I will and Ok! I'll pick her up and we'll walk over there after school :)' I locked my phone and walked in my school building... You see I have a crush on this guy named Cameron Dallas but no one knows except for my best friend Nash.... I was greeted by Nash waiting impatiently at my locker like he is every morning... I laugh and say hello..

"Hi Lauren!" He told me..
"You seem a little excited?" I asked suspiciously.
"I am !!! You'll never what I heard today!" He hears a lot of weird things that gets him excited...
"What did you hear?"
"Cameron likes you!!! "
"NO flippin way!!" I said completely freaking out. Its a good thing me and him have every class together...... We began walking to Homeroom and just sat down....

We walked to Lunch and didn't eat anything...
"Do you wanna hang out after school?" He asked me......
"I don't know.. My dad needs me to go over his house after school..." I texted my dad...
' Hey dad can Nash come with me after school?'
" I just asked him..." Immediatley I got a reponse...

' The more the merrier :) '

"He said yes!! " My family loves Nash... My little sister is dating his younger brother Hayes.... Their such a cute couple..
"What do you think the news is going to be?" he asked me.
" I don't really know. He probably got a dog or something." I shrugged.. That's when Cameron sat next to me. I looked at Nash and he left.... Thanks a lot best friend...
" Hey Lauren.." He said.. I looked right into his brown eyes and got lost..
" Hi" I said not daring to look anywhere else....
" We don't really talk much but I would love to actually get to know you better.." he told me and I just said ok..
" Can I have your number?" I asked very shyly.. My heart thumped out of my chest when he said sure...

We exchanged numbers.. He gave me a hug and I could not move for the world..... I met up with Nash and we walked to Geography together..
" What happened?" He asked more excited than I was.
" We exchanged numbers and talked....." I told him...
" Mhm. Why are you shaking?" Crap..
" Because he hugged me.." It took every bone in me not to scream.. He laughed and we walked in the room.. I completely forgot Cameron's in this class.... Nash and I took our seats and was forced to learn the countriesnin Europe....

Its the end of the day and Nash and I went to our lockers. Which are right next to eachother... and went to go pick up Lily and Hayes..

" So have you guys texted at all?" He asked me as we waited for them walk outside..
" Yeah he texted me when we got out of Geography and weve been flirting ever since...." I said blushing... I look up to see our little brother and sister walking over to us holding hands and laughing.. It amazes me the way he looks at her.. He has that look that if anyone was too touch her he would kill them... She has her head down laughing while he's looking at her.. I took out my phone and took a picture.. I looked at Nash and he looked proud of his little brother for acting like a man in his relationship and not a little boy that's trying to get in her pants... We all walk to my dads house and I just walk in.. When I walk in Liam Payne from One Direction is sitting on the couch next to Karen.

" Hello girls! Hello Nash and Hayes!" My dad seems exciting and they said hello...

" Liam this is Lauren and Lily... This is Laurens best friend Nash and Lily's boyfriend Hayes." My dad introduced.. We all shook hands and sat on the couch... Of course Lily sat next to Hayes while I sat next to Nash and Liam sat on the other side of Karen..

" OK guys! I have big news everybody!! Karen and I are very happy together as you all know..." He started. It's true they are....".... So I wanted to make things official... Guys, Karen and I are getting married!!! Your all invited to the wedding!!!!" And there was roars of clapping... I got up and hugged them both..
" Congrats you guys!!!"
" Thank you dear!"
" Meaning Liam will be your older step-brother!" He's like 20 right? IM only 17 which makes him older.. Ive always wanted an older brother because Nash and Hayes are like my little brothers...

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