Chapter 5

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8:45 p.m-

Niall is suppose to be here at 9 so I have 15 minutes.. I didn't get sleep at all instead Matt was in here getting to know me better. He's a cutie ;).. He's been making me laugh but this recent topic wasn't exactly my favorite.

" And on the Magcon Tour there are 9 of us counting me. Me, Carter, Nash, Taylor, Jack J, Jack G, Aaron, Shawn and Cameron." I already knew about the Macgon Boys... He saw my frown at the mention of Cameron's name..

" Why that face?" He asked.

" Cameron broke my heart for a fucking I-phone 5." I said rolling my eyes then my phone started ringing.

" Excuse me." I said answering it.

" Hi Lauren." That voice sounds familiar.

" Hey Niall!" I said.

" IM outside whenever your ready." He said and I looked at the time and it was 9:01.

" Crap ok im on my way down." ..." Sorry Matt I got to go! You can text me if you want!! Nice getting to know you!!" I said giving him a hug and grabbing my suitcase..

" Bye Lily! Bye Miranda." I said giving them both a hug. I walked out the door and got into Niall's car.

" Hey beautiful." Niall said making me blush... Honestly I want to date Matt and Niall. Is it wrong to date your foster brother or is it wrong to date somebody 3 years older than you and their an adult?

" HI Nialler.!" I replied. I cant believe that in 7 hours I'll be on a plane to Australia. Ive been there before but I was like 3. We rode to his and Liams house and I brought my suitcase in but stopped in amazement of this house.. Its gorgeous.. Niall showed me the guest room and I put on some pajamas... After 10 minutes it started thundering and lightning. Im terrified!! I tried to go to sleep and couldn't so I decided to FaceTime Matt.

" Hey Lauren. Are you ok?" He asked because I was shaking.. I told him that I was afraid.

" NO... It-it's lightning and I-im scared." I stuttered.

" If I was there I would protect you." He said. He is so sweet.

" It's ok! It means a lot that you would do that for me Matt." I said and he blushed.

" I gotta go Lauren. Mom needs me.." He said.

" OK. Bye Matt!" He waved bye and we disconnected.. Right after a big thing of lightning struck and I started crying.. I ran out of my room and ran to Niall's..

"Niall? Are you awake?" I asked quietly. He turned and rubbed his eyes.

" I am now. Lauren? Are you ok?" He asked worrying.

" No. Im scared. Can I lay with you?" I asked him.

" Of course. Come here" He said scooting over to make room.. I walked over there and laid gently next to him. I cuddled into his chest and he played with my hair knowing it makes me sleepy.. I cuddled closer.. After 5 minutes of him playing with my hair I fell asleep.

Niall's P.O.V

When she asked me if she could lay with me I was honestly surprised. I thought she would have went to Liam.. When she laid down I remembered her telling me that playing with her hair makes her sleepy and it worked. She fell asleep on my arm so now my arm is asleep... But I don't mind.. I laid there admiring her face and she made a face... She moved closer and I pulled the blanket over us and she said something that got my attention.

" Mom I don't know who to pick. Niall is so sweet and so is Matt... But the only problems are Niall's an adult that's 3 years older than me and Matt is my foster brother!! I don't know what to do!" She said and she almost started crying. With a smile on my face I went to sleep and of course I dreamed about Lauren.

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