Chapter 3

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Today im hanging out with Cameron for the 1st time.. Im kind of nervous. We've been talking non-stop but we never really hung out.... What should I wear? Then my phone started ringing.

" Hey there best friend!!" He said through the phone.
" HI... What do you need Nash?"
" IM telling you what to wear, DUH! Now all you have to do is follow my instruction carefully.." He said.
" What the hell-?"
" JUST DO IT!" He growled/
" OK!'
" Now, turn to your left, walk towards your closet..... Open the door.." He said.. How did he-

" Turn your light on and if you push past your top rack of shirts youll see the outfit youll be wearing today!! Now, don't call me or text me until your date is over!!! BYEEE LOVEEE YOOUUUUUU LAUREN!!!"

Well that wasn't weird.. Date?

I did as I was told and found a beautiful outfit.. ( pic on the side :) )

Jean jacket, pink skirt and floral top... White wedges.... Its really pretty.

After I took a shower I put on the outfit.. I looked in the mirror. I was impressed...... I did my hair... Which means I blew dry it and brushed it out and let my natural waves flow... I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone...

" Lauren! Cameron is here .!!"

" First, let me take a selfie!!" I said and started laughing.. I really did take a selfie and went downstairs. I saw Cameron looking at his phone in the doorway but he quickly put it away as if he was hiding something... I pushed that thought behind and walked out after him... Everything was weird.... We walked around the park and just talked about nothing.... He's a really cool guy.. We stopped to get ice cream and sat at a table.. This entire time he hasn't looked at me... I may sound desperate but come on!

" So Lauren, do you play any sports?" He asked me as if something was bothering him.
" I do gymnastics... Cameron whats going on? Is there something bothering you?" I asked him wanting to know.... He looked at me and then looked at a table behind me.. I turned around and saw a familiar blackish brown quiff..... I scoffed in dis-believe.

" You never really liked me, did you?" I asked with tears threatening to spill... Cameron looked up at me and he hesitated... Cue the tears... He stood up and tried to say something..

" Sam- I mean Lauren! Let me explain please?" He asked. Sam? Who the hell is Sam?
" Nash set this up!! He told how big of a crush on me and told me he'd pay for my I-phone 5 that broke last month!"

" You just broke my heart for a fucking I-phone 5? You know what Cameron? FUCK YOU !!! Nash FUCK you too!!! Nash don't talk to me every again!!" I said taking off my shoes and running towards my house.

" Lauren!!! Im SORRY!!" I heard Nash's voice yell from a distance. I stopped and walked back to him.
" Nash, no apologies will ever make me forgive you." I said and then I slapped him across his face as hard as I could leaving a big hand mark on his face... I turned back around and started running again.... I looked back and saw Cameron following me....

" Lauren! Lauren!! LAUREN!!!" He yelled and I stopped again...
" What!" I yelled really pissed off... He looked at me as if he did nothing wrong.
" Lauren, listen... I messed up. I really do like you-"
" Whatever! Cameron just keep it to yourself.. You've proved what kind of person you are... Just leave me alone." I said and once again I walked away this time ignoring everything.... I turned my hearing aid off and continued to walk home.... ... Oh yeah I have a hearing aid.. I was born with hearing problems and when I was 8, my hearing was barely useful so the doctor gave me this hearing aid.. .No one knows about it because my hair always covers it up... By now I stopped running and just started walking... I didn't go home I put my shoes but on because I've already stepped on 5 pieces of glass but idgaf....

After 10 minutes I decided to go back home and tell my mom I stepped on glass. As I stepped up to my front door I turned it back on.

" Mom im back." I stated.
" Your back earlier than I expected you to be hun! How'd it go?" She said coming around the corner.. I sighed and told her,
" Nash promised him a new I-phone 5 to hang out with me.." I said. And she gasped. My phone started vibrating. It was a text. From Niall.

' Hey Lauren!'

' Hey Nialler :)' As I texted him back I asked my mom if she'd take me to the hospital.

" For what dear?" She said and I showed her my foot.
" Oh my god Lauren! What did you do!!"
" I took my heels off and ran and stepped on like 5 pieces of glass and a nail." I said like it wasn't a big deal.
" Lily get your shoes on now!" Mom told Lilly and she ran upstairs and came back down in like 2 minutes. Impressive.. We went to the car and I rested my foot on the dashboard.

' What are you up to lovely?' He messaged me back making me blush.
' On my way to the hospital :/'

' WHAT?! Why?' he seemed so intrigued.
' I stepped on like 5 pieces of glass and a nail. Lucky me huh?'
' Your not so lucky Lauren!! Text me when your out of the hospital. Hope you feel better love - xoxo :)' I smiled...
' Ok and thank you!'

" Lauren please tell me what happened." the nurse said.
" Well earlier today i had a date and i wore heels... Afterwards i got heart broken so i took my shoes off and started running.. After i stopped running i started walking not giving a shit about anything and i stepped on like 5 pieces of glass and a nail." I finished. She looked at my foot, which wasn't hurting because i couldn't feel it.

By time we left the flippin hospital i had 8 stitches in my foot.. Meaning I have to walk on crutches... YIPPIE! When we got home i called Liam to see if he's come over and luckily he said yes.

" So, whats up little sis?" He asked as we sat on my bed. I have a little teddy bear that my mom gave me when i was 8 months old so i picked it up and held it..
" Today me and Cameron was suppose to hang out and we did.. We walked around the park and got ice cream... We went to go sit down and he kept looking at the table behind me and i looked and it was Nash... Cameron told me that he was only talking to me because Nash promised a new I-phone 5. So i slapped Nash took off my shoes and ran away.. I eventually stepped on 5 pieces of glass and a nail." I said telling him my story. He nodded as if he was taking it all in.

" Well, first off Nash shouldn't have done that if he were really your bestfriend and 2nd should i beat them up?" He asked. I chuckled....

We got off topic and was just having a good time.. I almost forgot why i was upset.. It was already 11 and i had school tomorrow..

" Liam thanks for coming over! I have school tomorrow but after that im on Spring Break!! Wanna hang out?"
" Sure! I'll have a surprise for you tomorrow when you get home!!! Gotta go sis!! See you tomorrow!!" He said and kissed my forehead.. I waved goodbye and he left.. Surprise? All i know is i have to see Nash and Cameron tomorrow.. god.. Since i have crutches i mind as well look ratchet... I'll just wear some sweats a hoodie and just wear my hair in a sock bun or something.. Honestly i don't care about my appearance anymore.. I only dressed up like that to impress Cameron but yeah... And everybody is going to find out about my hearing aid so it don't matter... Well.... Goodnight <3

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