Chapter 2#

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I wake up the same as always. My day starts off with the urge to send the knife deep into my skin. It was my fault that I was groomed by Nathan, I let him sell me. But despite all this, one guy stayed with me through the whole scene.


I met Nick at the hospital and he's gotten stronger ever since. It started off with me looking after him, but Nick soon realised that I was a lost soul, so he started helping me. I quit school, and they didn't want me back anyway, for the amount of time I'd missed out on it, they basically kicked me out. Maybe, if I hadn't got involved with Nathan, I wouldn't have been expelled, And maybe, I would be with Ryder.

Speaking of Ryder, I've not seen him since the day of the hearing. And quite frankly, I don't want him anywhere me or Nick. I can't believe all of the time, Ryder knew what Nathan was doing to me and the other girls. And what's worse, he didn't do anything to stop me from seeing Nathan. Yes, I know what you're thinking. Ryder did try to stop me that one night after the sex I'd had with Nathan's friends. I was high and drunk and he didn't stop me in the right way, I needed letting down gently but he dropped that bombshell on me. Who would believe him?

But, back to the topic of Nick. We've been engaged for a while now, and since we are both still young, I'm still 17, we decided to just stay engaged for a while. It's better that way, and of course Nick has won the hearts of my guardians, Dawn and Harry. They love him lots and obviously they got on well with Tim, and recently have been working together.

In theory, my life should be perfect. I have two guardians that love me and a doting fiancé. Yet my life is far from perfect. I have to go to drug counselling sessions four times a week, and I have a hospital appointment once a week for my victim counselling. I hate both but they work a little and make me better. Nick isn't allowed to come with me though, which makes me slightly relieved because during some sessions all of the victims tell their story. Some have even worse stories than mine. For example, there's this girl, she is so drugged up that she doesn't remember her name so we call her Anna, and she was sold to a man who abused her for three years. She's only 21.

"Armadelle!"I hear someone shout, and their voice pulls me from my thoughts. I turn around and see Nick.

"Hi babe."I reply, smiling a little.

"I made your breakfast before you go to your counselling session baby girl."

"Awww thanks! That's sweet of you."I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I do really like Nick.

We both go downstairs, and sit at the table in the dining room. My breakfast is pancakes and whipped ice cream. I smile widely, since I'm literally in love with this breakfast. We eat silently, both of us enjoying our meals. We both live here in my Aunt's house. She's around more nowadays, and lets us live our lives as we want to, as long as I stay away from drugs. I'm allowed the occassional drink but only moderately, so that means no parties for us. Oh well. I've been to enough parties to last a lifetime.

"Armadelle are you okay?"Nick asks me, breaking the silence.

"Yeah why?"

"You've been looking at your food for the last 5 minutes, and you haven't eaten it."

"I'm just thinking."

"What about? Nathan?"

"No. I was just thinking about our lives now. I bet it's super boring for you having to cope with someone like me."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Armadelle."

"You are to me. But we need to go."

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