Chapter 7#

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***NICK'S POV***

I can't believe it. After all we've been through together, Armadelle just dumps me like that. I don't know what's happened to her, but I do know one thing, the Armadelle I know would never be like this usually, which can mean one of two things, one- she's seeing Nathan again, which is why she gets so defensive over him, or two-she's seeing someone else.

Armadelle and I have been through so much, and we've both lost people, which ultimately brought us closer together. You all know the story. I'm sure everyone does, we were the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, except we're allowed to be together, and our suicide attempts failed.

I know what Nathan is trying to do to her, I'm not stupid, Armadelle might be, but I'm not. But, I can't be sure, and it'll make it worse if I try to do anything to help, meaning it will push Delle even further to his clutches. I really hope she doesn't get hurt.

I get out of bed, and look out of the window. I'm staying a little villa near the coast, as that's where my dad is doing his filming. The film is basically a story of a girl called Mia who falls for the wrong guy, and everyone tries to stop her from being with him, and she doesn't listen. Dad is on directing and production, and there's this woman called Leia who was casting. Thanks to my dad, I was able to get an audition for the casting of Jamie Lee, who is one of Mia's friends brother. It's not a super big main part, but I have enough lines to be needed on set at all times. It also helps that my dad requested for me to be there, as he seemingly couldn't trust me, because the last time he left me, I tried to commit suicide.

But back to the topic of my part in the film, Jamie is actually a really nice guy, not like a stereotypical guy at all. The character of Jamie is really smart, but he's stupid. For example, he storms through academic stuff, but when it comes to common knowledge, he can't cook toast, and ends up burning his kitchen out. That's one of Jamie's main parts.

Theoretically, we're supposed to know our lines before we get to the set, and I do, but not perfectly, so I head down to the pool and sit down, dangling my legs down into the water. Today, we're filming the beach scene where Jamie finds Mia and her forbidden boyfriend Kai kissing on the beach. It's actually one of the best parts of the movie, in my opinion, and one of the only scenes with both Mia, Kai and Jamie. The other scenes contain loads more of Mia's friends.

I met the girl who played Mia yesterday, and already the girl is in love with me. The actress is called Isabelle Fuhrman and from what I've heard, is an upcoming popular actress. Apparently she starred in some big trilogy films, or something. I can't really remember. On cue, she walks out wearing a nice little two piece, revealing quite a bit, despite the fact that it's 8 in the morning and still quite cold.

"Nick, why are you out here?"She asks, smiling at me. It's obvious what her feelings are for me, but in all honesty, she just isn't my type, and there's no way I choose her over Armadelle.

"I was just gonna practice my lines while everyone was asleep still. Filming doesn't start till 1 so the sun is out."

"I can go?"Isabelle says, smiling at me.

"Nah, you stay. Don't worry."I reply, smiling back. Isabelle takes a running dive into the pool and stays under for a couple of minutes. I actually start to get worried and then she pops back up, startling me. We both laugh.

"Come in the pool Nick!"


"Pleaseeeeeeee?"She begs. I start to waver, thinking about my decision. It's a hard one. Am I replacing Armadelle?


It's been a day since Nathan asked me to marry him, and I'm literally the happiest girl in the world. I'm that happy, I reopened my social media accounts, and changed all my profile pictures to me and Nathan kissing. I've never been happier in my life. Speaking of happiness, Nathan walks in carrying a cake for us to share. We're having a sex party for just the two of us, both of us doing things I've never done before. I can't speak for Nathan, but all of our plans are things that I've never done before.

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