No Scrubs (Joey x Reader)

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A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly. He's also known as a Buster.
"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna hang out?" On no, not this guy again, you think to yourself.
Always talking about what he wants and just sits on his broke a** so
"Go away Joey."

  "But don't you wanna at least have my number? I mean with that paper due in (fav. subject), and since we're partners, I was hoping maybe we can at least talk on the phone"  

"No, I don't want your number." You say to him.

"Then do you wanna give me yours?" Joey asked hopefully.

"No I don't wanna give you mine." and

"Oh come on (Y/N)! The paper's due at the end of the week! We at least have to meet sometime to do it together." He whined/shouted. You thought about it. He did have a point, but still.. the guy is a lazy bum! He spends all his time playing a children's card game and hanging out with his friends. He even has the lowest grade in (subject), and you didn't want him to drag you down too.

No I don't wanna meet you nowhere

"The answer is still no." You say calmly, turning your back on him and walking away. He grabbed his head frustrated and starts shouting at the sky.

No I don't want none of your time and

----Later that day----

You were working on the project when your thoughts turned towards Joey. "Should I have really just left him like that?" You asked yourself. "He did have a few good points and did seem like he wanted to help. Plus he is pretty cute..." you shook your head. "No, he'd probably just end up distracting me. He can do his own project." You thought to yourself firmly.

No I don't want no scrub. A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.

---Next day---

"Hey (Y/N)! WE still need to work on that project together!" You heard Joey yell. Surprised, you turned around and saw Joey in his friend's Mai's car.

Hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, tryin' to holler at me  

"Don't go leaning out like that Joey! You might fall and I'm not going to be driving you to the hospital if you do!" Mai yelled, trying to pull him back in. You mentally sweat dropped. "What an idiot." You think rolling your eyes and walked further away from him. "But he is kind of adorable" you think, blushing slightly. You mentally smack yourself, thinking that he's just a distraction and that you didn't need his help.

I don't want no scrub. A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.  Hanging out of the passenger's side of his best friend's ride, tryin' to holler at me

"I feel sorry for Mai, having to deal with that idiot." You mutter under your breath.

--Next day--

And a scrub is checkin' me but his game is kinda weak and I know that he cannot approach me

You would occasionally see Joey try to approach you at school, but each time you would either lose him in a crowd or he would sigh and turn around. You wonder what's wrong with him.

---Day project is due---

You scan the room, looking for Joey. You were ready to give your presentation, looking well dressed with your hair up in a (H/S).

'Cause I'm looking like class and he's looking like trash

You finally spot him and gasped. He looked terrible! He had bags under his eyes, and his school uniform was crinkled with a mystery stain on one of the sleeves. He clearly had spent all night working on his own project. You felt bad for the guy, but then again you...

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