Nightmare (Ryou x Reader)

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I think its kind of a season zero kind of version. I apologize for any confusion at all.

All these thoughts drive me insane

"Leave me alone!" Ryou's voice echoed throughout the deserted school.

"Hahaha, you really think you can make me go away that easily?!" A mocking voice similar to Ryou's sounded. The lights started flickering on and off.

The light goes dark, confused again.

"Get out of my head!" Ryou shouts, falling down on his knees, holding his hand in his hands.

"Aren't you forgetting our contract? I granted your wish, and this is my payment!" The voice laughs. Ryou's eyes start to fade.

My mind's shutting down and I barely can breath.

"That's a good boy. Surrender to me now, and it will all be over." The voice cooed.  

The fear's taking over what's left here of me.

"N-no, I can't, I... won't... give in..." Ryou said weakly. 'I wish this was just a nightmare.' He thought.

Still asleep. Haunted in my dreams.

"Ryou, where are you?!" A concerned voice rings out.

"(Y...y/n)?" Ryou mutters, starting to come back to himself

Wake me up from this darkness.

"Ryou!" (Y/N) again, this time full of relief. "So you were here."

Wake me up from all this pain.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Ryou said, smiling happily, getting up to his feet. 'My dear childhood friend.'

Bring me back all the years.

"Ryou I'm so glad I found you!" (Y/N) said, giving him a tight hug.

Release all the fears, till they're just memories.

"(Y/N).. I'm so glad you found me." Ryou said, hugging her back.

Wake me up from this darkness. Wake me up from all this pain.

"Well yeah. For some weird reason, when you're upset you go to school or some abandoned place. You never changed that hobby." (Y/N) giggled.

Bring me back all the years, release all the fears.

"Silly, you could've just come to me." (Y/N) sighed tiredly. 

Erase my nightmares.

Ryou looked down at her and smiled. "Maybe I'll start doing that.  

Erase my nightmares.

"Come on, let's go home. You're staying over at my house." (Y/N) said firmly, pulling away from him. "I.. isn't that a bit improper?" Ryou asked, blushing slightly. "You haven't forgotten about me, have you?" A voice whispered to Ryou. He froze.

I'm so lost inside my head

"Get out of my mind!" Ryou shouted, gripping his head. "Ryou, what's wrong?" (Y/N) asks.

Hanging on by just a thread.

(Y...y/n) hurts." Ryou mutters.

I want to wake up, want to open my eyes. But

"W-what can I do?" (Y/N) asked, going closer to Ryou.

"I can't escape from all the darkness inside." Ryou looked away, closing his eyes and trying to calm his breathing.

Still asleep, haunted in my dreams.

"Ryou, just tell me what's wrong. We can work this out together." (Y/N) said placing her hand gently on his cheek.

Wake me up from this darkness.Wake me up from all this pain.

"I just want all this pain to stop, (Y/N)."

Bring me back all the years, release all the fears. Till they're just memories.

"Oh Ryou." (Y/N) said sadly. "I just want to go back in time, when we were always together." Ryou sighed. "Back before I made that stupid deal."

Wake me up from this darkness. Wake me up from all this pain.

"Ryou, what deal? If this is about those kids bullying you, don't worry. They've stopped, haven't they?" (Y/N) asked, trying to figure out what was going on. "It's not that (Y/N). It's because of the deal those guys stopped. It even led me back to you." Ryou said, looking at (Y/N) in the eyes.

Bring me back all the years, release all the fears.

"What was this deal about Ryou? Is someone hurting you or something for payment?" (Y/N) asked, tears gathering in her eyes. "If only I didn't move away..." (Y/N) said sadly.

Erase my nightmares

"No (Y/N), don't you dare think this is your fault." Ryou said, gripping (Y/N)'s shoulders.

Erase my nightmares

"It's only because of you that I've been able to last so long against him. But now he's getting stronger." Ryou said.

"What-who is? Ryou, who is doing this to you? How can I help?" (Y/N) asked.

Scared of these thoughts

"No one can help you now, Ryou. We made a deal, its time I collect." A sinister voice murmured  in his head. The lights started flickering again.

Scared of the dark.

"(Y/N), I'm scared." Ryou whispered, pulling in (Y/N) for a hug.

Scared of what is tearing me apart.

"I don't want him to hurt you." Ryou whispered softly in her ear.

"I scream and I fight, I run and I hide. From this nightmare inside." Ryou rambled on.

Wake me up from this darkness. Wake me up from all this pain. 

"Bring me back all the years, release all the fears." Ryou muttered, starting to cry into her shoulder. "Ryou..." (Y/N) whispered, holding him in her arms.

Till they're just memories.

"I'm here, Ryou. I always will be." (Y/N) said calmly.

Wake me up from this darkness, wake me up from all this pain.

"But (Y/N), what if... what if I loose control and hurt you?" Ryou cried.

Bring me back all the years, release all the fears

"I know you, Ryou. I know you would never hurt me." (Y/N) said, rubbing his back.

Erase my nightmares.

"I love you (Y/N). I can't loose you." Ryou said softly.

Erase my nightmares

"Then I guess I'll just have to stay with you, no matter what." (Y/N) said determined.

Erase my nightmares

"After all, I love you, Ryou, and I'm not giving you up to anyone. I'm not going to loose you either. Not even to the guy that's trying to hurt you." (Y/N) declared.

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