Chapter Two

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I walked up to the steps of the old library, Thomas trailing behind me. "Why are we going to the library? We have Google for a reason sis," I whipped around so fast, some strands of my brown-dyed-green hair flew into my mouth. I blacked out for a moment, hearing Thomas splutter and my voice say creepily,"You don't think I haven't tried that you fucking idiot?!" Thomas dropped to his knees, holding his throat. I fell down next to him, cradling him in my arms. "I'm so sorry, Thomas." He coughed and patted my back. "It's alright Tara, I know it wasn'"

Guess I've got to explain this. I've always been.....odd. Having weird blackouts where I hurt people without making the conscious decision to do so. It's like something inside me just takes over and harms people. That's why I read "fantasy" books. I analyze what the heroes and heroines of the books do against evil spirits, and I try it on myself. The last experiment I tried "dyed" the ends of my hair green. Now I look like more of a freak than I did before. So much for being normal in Normalville.....I'm just an outcasted freak, stuck where I don't belong.

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